Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy

Only technically a Bowie?

It’s weird seeing Rimmer talk about car engines.

Couldn’t they just have made his arms the right size for his body?

Everything I have ever read about the Cape Buffalo makes me think that they should be on the top of this list.

I’ve got something new for you this time


Best solution given the outcome?

Pull a Prince.
Change your name to something they don’t own, (like that weird symbol of his) and release albums anyway.

Super is by far one of my favorite superhero movies.

They should stop using the label “Xbox Exclusive” and just say “Microsoft Exclusive” instead.

Ignore this... I just realized what you meant. I confused the Johns on the new level.

What DOOM cover have you seen with the logo/ name obscured? Every cover I have ever seen has the logo covering at least 33% of the cover.

It’s the lack of the Johns and the fact that the games are WAY slower than they used to be.

Where’s the danged bare-midriff and the demons?

As a former new guy at a sign company.... you are mostly right.

I’d say someone built like Ronda Rousey, just painted green.

pre-2001 conferences were really screwy.

Like, the Buccaneers being in the NFC Central.

I just played through it for the first time with the remaster (It’s the free ps4 game on plus this month)

Run you pigeons! It’s Robert Frost!

All I can say is.....

Cleveland or Detroit fan?