
After many years of reading the AV Club, I finally visited Box Office Mojo for more detailed numbers.  I found out that Box Office Mojo is an imdb company, and that they have very detailed numbers. 

James McMurtry—"We Can't Make It Here".  Not too preachy, just says that the economy and job market sucks and it's not going to get any better. 

If you had to have your flesh roasted and eaten, wouldn't you rather have it roasted and eaten by something furry and cute?  I mean, better than a Sarlac.

This is why we can't have nice things in the AV Club comments section.

"A.V. Club Poster Constantly Checks Comments To See If Someone Responded to His Witty Post".

You may find out your little wi-fi phone thingy doesn't work too well over there.

That's all fine and good until the Great Robot Uprising of the late 1990s.

"Rendezvouz with Keanu."
Sounds exactly like Rama, except with the bad guys from Firefly and the goofy foreign astronauts from 2010.

If Kyle Chandler is supposed to be a sheriff's deputy…
…then why is he wearing an Air Force uniform in the photo?

Maybe the Navy Should Just Trademark Mickey Mouse…
…then say, "What are you gonna do about it, Disney? Huh? That's what I thought. Fuck you!"

Robin Wright Penn in "The Pledge".
They made the Princess Bride into the plainest-looking small-town bartender you could imagine. I didn't realize it was her until I was halfway through the movie.

Do the pterodactyls have large talons?

"Ilium" also had an allosaurus, robots, killer robots, terror birds, maurichania, and most of the cast of Shakespeare's "The Tempest". Along with all the Greeks and Trojans and their gods. Oh, yeah, and Little Green Men. On Mars.

I have never killed an owl, dead. Well, I did rough that one owl up a bit, but he looked at me funny.

The Day the AV Club Sells Out…
…is the day I keep doing everything I was doing before.

Michael Scott's Plane Was Shot Down Over Western Kansas.
It spun in.

I've been watching Trailer Park Boys a lot on Netflix, and that placid opening tune has been stuck in my head for days.

What will keep me from seeing this movie is the fact that I live in a hick shithole. It won't be anywhere within a 100 mile radius. Hello, Netflix "Save" queue.

You are Sara Conner?