
Panther fan here. Arvidsson’s stick causes Luongo to start rotating in a counter-clockwise motion. If it wasn’t for Arvidsson’s stick, Luongo doesn’t start spinning and the puck doesn’t squirm out the back.

“I mean. I hope that when Del Toro called “cut”, Shannon smiled, was immediately not his character, and made sure the women were okay.”

And zero convictions...

See, I love Janney’s work, but her character was one-note in I, Tonya. The mother had one dimension: awfulness. There wasn’t any subtlety, and maybe that was the fault of the script rather than Janney, but she felt more like a caricature than a character. Now, she did a great job looking and acting like her, but there

I really do think Get Out deserves it for best screenplay. The more I thought about it, the more I respected how elegant and clever it is.


There is no point other than “Find any excuse to shit on the guy”.

Forgive me if I’m missing the point, but is this article suggesting that the movie will be bad or that the build up to it will be bad? I’m having difficult figuring out the point of the piece. The title doesn’t really have anything to do with the content. What’s the takeaway? guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words

Bullying is punching down. This is a wealthy white woman working as a mouthpiece for an organization that dishes out political donations in the tens of millions. This isn’t punching down. This is bringing someone who deserves it down a peg.

Aimee please stop. You clearly have no idea who Derren Brown is, what he does and what his shows have been about. How bout doing just a modicum of research on the person your writing about before you lose your mind and start spouting off all this hyperbole over what his new Netflix program explores. To accuse Derren


A writer from, I think, St. Louis came up with a simple solution to all this about 5 years ago.

Now playing

Meanwhile, here’s the hottest rapper in nearby Estonia:

Counterpoint: no it wasn’t.

Couldn’t have dreamt up a better way to announce Samer as Marchman’s replacement.

I would have thrown my TV, too. God damn.

I am not a connoisseur but Jai Lai is pretty damn good. I believe it is Cigar City's top seller. (disclosure: I am a Tampa native).

Jai-Alai is my go-to IPA now. I'm in Upstate New York and the beer shop near me gets six packs of it now and again. I've never been a huge fan of Flower Power. I'll take my hometown IPA, Andromeda from Galaxy Brewing, over it any day. It's just started being canned and distributed through Upstate.

Cigar City Brewing Jai-Alai. Unfortunately for me, I don't like in Florida anymore, so I can usually only get it once a year when I visit my parents.