
While in DUI class for my 5th DUI, there was a guy who blew a .47 and the teacher proved it. Dude was a car salesman so we all understood. Plus booze shouldn’t be regulated by BAC, just by how well you can handle it.

Sounds like some dumb college drama that you cunts, LAUREN, dragged out into the internet. Get chlamydia and rot

Whoooo cares about this dumb shit “league.” Also who cares about these thirsty chicks.

That was clearly goalie interference. Textbook case. Stick spun Luongo which dislodged the puck. I think Toronto makes that same call alllll year long because it is obvious. This wasn’t really hard or controversial. It’s clear cut and shitting on Toronto just because is fucking lame. Yeah, they botch so many other GI

Bullshit, idiot. The stick was the main source of Luongo spinning, not because the Nashville guy was pushed. It was a good no goal

You’re absolutely fucking wrong Barry. Luongo getting pushed with the stick spun him around and dislodged the puck. If he doesn’t get spun with the stick, which is fucking illegal to push the goalie with your stick in the crease, that puck doesn’t pop out. And certainly doesn’t get put in the net with the less than 2

It’s a bunch of fake ass people pretending to get orgasms or some shit from people whispering. It’s seriously the biggest load of bullshit anyone could ever bullshit.

You still didn’t explain it, you faggot ass

Now we know what it’s like when Mr. Ed cums

People won’t vote. For whatever reason. But I hope whoever the Democrat is (is it Gillum? is it Levine?) manages to be a presence in the state. Everyone knows Putnam because he was on your gas pump.

Adam Putnam will get fucking elected because of his gosh darned aw shucks bullshit. He was the Florida Agriculture head dude and is a milquetoast candidate that will win because the Florida Democrats can’t put up anyone with a pulse. Florida Dems are the worst in the country and it’s mind boggingly retarded that they

Reddit’s theory is that the girl at the end could be Thawne, which is intriguing. At first they were thinking a daughter/granddaughter time traveling. I’m really interested to find out.

I am not at all frustrated at the pace things are getting explained because each episode has delivered in some way or another. Last week Anissa was finally found out by her parents to have powers. And this episode we get some bodies dropping. Patience, man. We don’t need all of this to happen in the first episode or

Turned me on to Charles Bradley

Just shut the fuck up. Not every film satisfies your needs. Get over it. This film didn’t need to include black characters because to do so would actually be offensive. Stop getting mad at every film without black representation and jerk off over yourself because the amazing Black Panther is doing so well. Realize

Ha you fucking jealous, you dumb bitch. Just stop and realize that you commit nothing to the overall picture of the world. He did his thing and paid his due and you want to make a name for your Jewish cunt self. Figures. In the rush to cum all over yourself, you fuck up your writing. Good job.

How many times have you been convicted of rape, you piece of fucking shit? Die already. Slowly and painfully, I will watch you fucking die Joseph Finn. Try me.

People seem to not know that Tampa would be the second most likely military target after DC for a nuke. MacDill AFB houses both CENTCOM and SOCOM and would be a huge blow militarily for the US. Not because of Disney or fucking Trump.

But you don’t have to bump anything for the most recent years. They didn’t meet the 10 film maximum, so you could just add until that’s met. But I for sure would like to know what you’d bump in say 1975.

Yeah, I can’t for the life of me find it thru Google-fu but I remember it was like the Seattle Film Critics or something like that who re-voted for the ceremony 20 years prior the day before the Oscars. There was a website and everything. Wish I could find it again.