

Like this loser making shit up

Fuck you and fuck UCiF

Fuck UCF

This is real fucking life motherfucker. Act like it aint

Yeah, you dumb fuck, his teammates held him back right after the play when he was yelling that he recovered the ball and escorted him off the field where he kept yelling and was heated. This was on the next play when he was still fired up. Get fucked and have the worst Christmas possible.

Man in a tan suit is Shelton Quarles

He’s become real sanctimonious lately and it feels like ESPN had a talk with him to push the company line. No way he really thinks this shit.

Who gives a fuck about this chick. Don’t want your nudes shared? Don’t fucking send them.

What a dumb cunt lol. Do you know my name, superstar NFL player? No. Well, it’s dumb cunt name - walks away

USF the only AAC team not in this and they are the best AAC team.

Disintegrates upon contact?

Too bad the song fucking sucks

The Press Corps is like a 4 year old asking you a question with a bunch of words without actually asking you a question. They need to be succinct and to the point.

So if a juror says Niggers once 25 years from a conviction when talking to some newspaper, does that mean homeboy who clearly killed people and deserves to fucking die regardless of if he’s a nigger or not should be let free? Don’t really care about this dude dying. Where’s the article for the sister in law? Or ya’ll

Is every AAC team going to make this 25? That’s 7 teams now

Need to actually throw punches and be aggressive and not just dance around

Boxing is fucking stupid. So are draws. Boxing is even more irrelevant.

For real, fuck off Bob. I don’t care if it’s not his main language, he came off looking like a fucking dope. If you can’t compose some semblance of a coherent thought for your first major main ESPN job, then don’t even do it. That whole broadcast was hot garbage. Rex didn’t have much to say and when he did, he stepped