I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”
I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”
I hope this gets starred to the top, but I know Gawker won’t allow it. What I find interesting is ever since the DNC e-mails were leaked showing collusion with news networks and rigged primaries, they have focused all attention to Russia, not what was actually leaked. That, to me, is more disturbing than anything…
This is post mortem Gawker. If you think it’s unbiased you’ve obviously consumed way to much of the Koolaid.
Can this get starred all the way to the top??
You get your logic and statements of fact out of here!
You should really look up the definition of the word “unbiased”.
That’s exactly the issue. There’s just subtle implication, and heresay, and gut feelings... there’s no evidence of wrong doing, there’s not an investigation on the President, and his interactions with Comey were just awkward and odd. If there was something there, I’d be very interested. But there’s just not much of…
BBTR - Bring Back Tyler Rogoway!
There are so many people gunning for Trump to fall that if there was anything real it would have surfaced already. It seems that all anyone opposed to Trump is doing is trying to find anything they possibly can to remove him from office. Just nothing to be found at this point. Not saying he hasn’t done some…
This reporting is just bizarre. The essence is that Trumps statements as related to Comey were validated, despite numerous news articles (i.e. CNN) stating that their anonymous sources “proved” Trump was lying and that Comey never said he wasn’t a target of an investigation.
FA has been morphed from a cool place to ... a political sounding board
I think the thing I’m most irritated about is how FA has been morphed from a cool place to discuss defense and military equipment, strategy, and tactics, into what’s basically a political sounding board - of which the mothership-formerly-known-as-Gawker has many other places to post this rhetoric!
“like jacking off into a fan”
This whole thing is like jacking off into a fan for Democrats: It may be temporarily super satisfying, but it’s turning into a real fucking mess.
Hey Terrell,
So difficult to keep Camaro drivers off the pole...
Looking and Quality? That’s just my read on it
Extremely cool C4? Yeah, no.