You're killing me smalls

Or District 9!

This just sucks.

Dear lord those were terrible.

Now playing

I went through a pretty knarly breakup back in the day and I blasted You Got Lucky seemingly every day.

Ain’t nothing worse than a nasty tunnel. I avoid putting my vehicle into filthy tunnels at all cost.

Audiogalaxy. My first go-to music site.

We called the Colorado Springs Police Department, who confirmed that this is indeed a real case being handled by the CSPD’s Falcon Division.

Wait a minute... you are writing on the TruckYeah! blog and you think that a Raptor is silly? Go back to Jezebel.

For those of us that work 90% of the day in their vehicles, yes.

As an unabashed fan of Lionel Richie, this gets two thumbs up. Waaayyy up.

Chevrolet trucks. It’s seems like every one of them is driven by an obnoxious asshole.

That red one is sexy.

I won’t hold it against him.

FuuuuuuuUUUUUUU-oh shit-UUUUUUK!

Remember, kids... two wheels bad.

This guy’s voice always reminds me of my 8th grade PE teacher. His voice sounded just like that.

Still/always relevant.


She is a no-talent-ass-clown.