buzz killington

“When you open your mouth, you have to be careful.
- Stephen A. Smith, of all people.

If I was Darnold, I’d spin this out as long as possible in the hope that Gase gets fired before I come back. It’s the smartest choice he could make at this point.


You’ve made the classic mistake of assuming any of these people will follow through on their debts.

Crazy Old Rudy is at it again! He’s done very little (not great) work for my Administration. Only worked with some low level staffers on some minor details. He did okay after 9/11 but hasn’t done much since. Sad.” - Trump in a few days, probably.

There is more explanatory truth in this than most folks might actually imagine.

No, that’s genuine.

I think the problem with people like he, and Romney before him, is that they still literally cannot see the staff working these meals.

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

He’s gonna live-tweet his own heart attack and it is, quite frankly, going to own.

Oh for fuck’s sake, this is ridiculous. Both that there’s reason to be afraid and that a movie can’t bloody tell a story and character study and hope that the audience will be intelligent enough to take it the way intended, without such extreme, exaggerated reactions from all sides.

Impeaching Trump lets nobody off the fucking hook! If anything, it proves that they voted in a fucking criminal and a charlatan. Beyond that, there’s a good fucking chance he’ll get re-elected. No Comey... when the President beaks the fucking law, you hold him fucking accountable! Jesus Christ.

“And a lot of his supporters would think some sort of coup had taken place,” Comey said.

I did that bad thing, so what?” has been the mantra this shitstain has lived his entire life by and not one single fucking person in a position of power ever stood up to him and said “It’s illegal, that’s what” and held him accountable.

I love how he does the Jack Nicholson part even though nobody is doing the Tom Cruise part.

It’s genuinely troubling how confident you Americans are that your own military would have no trouble gunning down a large crowd of American civilians.

You mean like how the kent state massacre stopped protests?

That’s not how it works at all.

Each ticket you buy has the same odds of winning. But if there are 100 million possible combinations of numbers, and you buy 2 tickets, your odds are now 2 out of 100 million instead of 1 out of 100 million.

Unless you’re dumb enough to buy the exact same number combination twice.  Only

You’re half right.  Each ticket does have the same chance of winning, but overall you, as the owner of two different numbered tickets, now have twice the odds of winning.  They’re still terrible odds, but you now own 2 out of the hundreds of millions of combinations instead of just one.

People like to think that California is this all-powerful, Liberal-Elitist, cesspool that just wants to inflict their vindictive will upon everyone else.