buzz killington

Dude, when they are on the track, they are livestock. Do you know what ranchers and farmers do to unacceptable livestock? They cull them. That’s what happens to greys.

You must be fun at parties...

Neither of my greyhounds are f’d up either. A scar or two, yeah. Heck one of the scars was him bumping a table since he’s been of the track when a little dog(that was fd up) snapped at him. I feel sad for anyone that knows you with your logic.

Spend some time with Grey rescues, many former track workers are involved and will quickly tell you just how wrong you are with that. That was from a 16 year old’s Lycos search in the 90s. Its been very different for a long time now.

Greys are not high strung. They’re super lazy. They want to get their 30 seconds of running every couple of days and then take over your couch.

Oh Cool! A moron! I’m bored anyway.

I feel the same way. I’ve had two in the past, and will be getting another one or two once my toddler is a few months older. I’ve worked closely with a group in Florida for a while. As far as the racing goes, I think the truth of the situation lies somewhere between both extremes. I’m pretty bummed that realistically

We just lost our Grey after 13 years. When we first got him, he had trouble with glass doors. Would walk right into them.

I get the feeling that the real money left dog racing a decade (or more) ago, and that the people who’ve stayed on since are the ones who love the sport and love the dogs. I bet Kelly’s numbers and sense of business practices is an accurate picture of how things *were*, but not anymore.

Our neighbors just adopted a greyhound, former racer, and it is an incredible animal. Sweet disposition, very good on a leash, and a lot taller than I would have expected.

An obligatory GFY for your shitting on a cheesesteak, but if you ever visit, check out Nick’s Roast Beef, Tony’ Luke’s, or Cherry Street Tavern.

I mean, I’d never really considered it. What if I really am just a belly-itcher?”

He’s also basically the face of MLB which adds value. Billionaire owners are the cheapest motherfuckers on the planet. If someone is willing to give him $300 million, it’s b/c he’s gonna make $1+ billion for the franchise.

Didn’t they sell something like a million tickets within 24 hours of signing him? And he’s gonna keep socking dingers like these even if he’s not hitting 40 a season, which is an upgrade over the last few years for Phils fans. I don’t understand why people are so fucking cheap when talking about owners spending money.

Typo. He meant corpse.

No way anyone would believe that stupid name.

I definitely oppose spending 0.02% of the federal budget on school lunches for poor people because I don’t have freedom if federal dollars are spent thusly, and not because such spending disproportionately provides food for minority children.

He should do another made up team like the “Houston Texans” next.

Yeah, this is the cheeriest letters section in like a week!

i just learned that it is possible to feel deep personal empathy for boogie at the same time as i feel intense schadenfreude for the organization which employs him