buzz killington

Did 2 more SCJs die when I wasn’t looking?

This is federal judges reviewing the CBA of a union. The fact that it’s pro football players and not steamfitters or teamsters or whatever is pretty much immaterial.

We can tell because you don’t seem to have any idea how appeals courts function.

He seem to have gone away and re-inserted his head now. Ho hum.

The guy is building a road racing helicopter on a Toyota van chassis. He could spend eleventy billion rubles and it still wouldn’t win. The $500 rule doesn’t really apply to these ridiculous builds. And if by some miracle of engineering he managed to make this competitive, the judges would notice, and class/penalty

That only applies to people running Miatas and E30s. If you are in an art car that has zero chance of winning, then the sky’s the limit.

Would you be saying the same thing if the video showed this guy plowing into a cyclist and killing him?

Seb’s antics would elicit a smirk on their own, but Nico’s complete and utter unwillingness to take any of it in stride makes bona fide comedy of Seb’s work.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.

Some unsolicited advice, from someone who has hiked 150 mile weeks, each of the last three summers. (That sounds really douchey. Sorry.)

To me the most important trail etiquette rule is that uphill hikers have the right of way, please yield to them if you are descending. It is much easier to resume hiking downhill than uphill, especially on unstable surfaces.

I’d also suggest hiking poles. Your knees will thank you.

You should probably go to the doctor then because there is clearly something very wrong with your eyes or your brain.

It needs to be called the MX-7

“Yah brah my cuz Tony’s former boss Mickey was roughed up pretty bad in let me get in your face and tell yous about how BAHSTON STRONG I’ve had to be to overcome this extreme adversity.” - Jason98

Sweet fuck, that roast pork hero from DiNic’s has gotta be the best fuckin’ thing I have ever eaten...

You need new friends. I’ll be your friend.

This is a car that should be loved by everyone. If you don’t love it, I’ll show you the door.