buzz killington


Phils just won 5 out of the last 6. As far as Ruben Amaro is concerned, that makes them buyers.

I’ll believe it when I see it. No one on the Phillies has been able to hit anything all season.

What do you expect when Ruben Amaro signs Motorola to a five-year contract extension?

Towing massive jets of fire is all I require.

I think he looked perfect. Cold. Unfeeling. Relentless. Supernatural. Matter of fact. And without even needing to say a word...conveyed perfectly ‘You’ve accomplished nothing Jon Snow’. He embodied ice...which he does.

He might try but that just isn’t how Stannis rolls. That’s a great way for to Ramsey get dead. Which he clearly needs to be. Soon.

How could you fail to mention the best visual pun of the episode?

I thought that scene was summing up the “well fuck, I just give up” mentality they all have to be feeling.

Come here and sign the official petition to put Stannis on the Iron Throne simply because he has excellent grammar! Hearing him mutter ‘fewer’ was an episode highlight for me.

Common law has different levels, dumbass. State level case law applies within the state, federal case law applies within the union.

Point is, if it weren’t for the racers, the woman would be alive.

Again, thats not how this works. Research proximate cause and the but-for test. Examples can be found with the previous discussion with the other village idiot. While the driver who hit her is responsible, so too are the drivers who fled who caused the initial accident.

Would she have done that had the accident not occurred? This is basic law school stuff. But for the accident, she would not have been on the road. Try defending the idiots who caused the accident, who then fled, in front of a jury. No jury would find much sympathy for them.

Thats not how it works. In Tort law, there is the proximate causation analysis. Here, we examine the root cause of her being outside of her car - The original accident. But for the accident, she would not have exited her car. They are ultimately the reason why exited her car. Is it reasonably foreseeable that a

I'm pretty sure they drive Leafs because of the non-burning of fossil fuels. I'm pretty sure they want their cars to be reliable and long-lasting too. Keep pushing your bullshit agenda though.

Yes, of course. Definitely the government and environmentalists fault. Couldn't possibly be that the corporation decided that that level of engineering wasn't cost-effective. No way.

Environmentalists don't want long-lasting, reliable cars that don't need to be constantly replaced and recycled?

Yes, I understand that the Mazda RX-8 also technically came with a 13B rotary engine, but let's not mince words, that engine was arguably a pile of crap from the start. It was plagued with recalls, overrated horsepower figures, abysmal fuel economy, and and the audacity of not having any sort of forced induction.

Yup, exactly.