buzz killington

Uh, no.  Civil lawsuits don’t have anything to do with criminal charges.  Civil lawsuits are filed by individuals; criminal charges are filed by prosecutors.  Different burdens of proof, different rules of procedure, different available remedies/penalties.

You’re doing the same thing as many media outlets and conflating “charged with a crime” with “convicted for a crime.” Mueller said he didn’t charge the president because he’s the President. That is not at all inconsistent with “I didn’t make a determination as to whether he actually did the crime.”

The Bentley is a twin-turbo V12.

If you saw him next to Durant at the ASG, Joel’s clearly taller.

And also still accurate

Right wing jackassery:  Ayn Rand Paul Ryan

Jimmy is indeed an intolerable asshole. BUT he’s a Sixer, and I’m a Sixers fan, so I find his intolerability actually quite charming. I also hated Chris Pronger until he pulled on a Flyers sweater, but such is the way of things.

You know that bag likely gets pulled out and thrown into the garbage, right?

Oh Jesus Christ, now this?

The podcast was excellent, although if I had to hear one more break with Rebecca Jarvis calling Goldilocks and the Three Bears “the porridge story” one more time, I was going to drive off a bridge.

I really doubt Santa Claus is hanging onto that grudge 51 years later. The actual guy in the suit sure wasn’t.

Oh no, not the fat old Harley riders!

He graduated from my high school (three years before I was born), and I remember seeing his name up on the wall in the weight room. I remember my friends and I watching plenty of him in the 80s. Bought my first car from a used car place owned by (I think) his brother — Pallies Auto Sales, Sewell, NJ.

This.  I’d like to see them sign him, but really I just want a resolution.

I think if the story dies down (it won’t) and the league tries to sidestep it (it would), someone (lots of people) are going to say “wait a goddamned minute” and wonder loudly why the league seems to care only when a player “embarrasses” the league.

You’re right that in isolation it’s not the league’s business, but as you point out, the league’s past course of conduct has pretty much made this its business.  There is no good option here for Goodell, which is where I’m deriving most of my lulz here.

Agreed that Jamie will probably kill Cersei, although I’d also accept Cersei being torn apart by Nymeria.

You could see Embiid’s eyes getting big as he saw the ball go up (probably figuring Steph was returning it after that pass), getting ready to jump, then realizing Giannis was there.

“Hey, I left that server who did an awesome job a whole $1 on that $100 check. I didn’t stiff him.”

The problem is that some people equate “having an opinion on another’s actions” with “not allowing” that person to take those actions. They are not the same.