buzz killington

But I want to be grouchy about something I didn’t understand!

Record hurricane seasons have happened before. But when almost every year is a new record hurricane season, something’s up.  When you start having these “anomalies” happening with increasing frequency, something’s up.

Thobho Mott, the smith he worked for, was. So sort of.

He graduated from my high school (three years before I was born), and I remember seeing his name up on the wall in the weight room. I remember my friends and I watching plenty of him in the 80s. Bought my first car from a used car place owned by (I think) his brother — Pallies Auto Sales, Sewell, NJ.

This.  I’d like to see them sign him, but really I just want a resolution.

I think if the story dies down (it won’t) and the league tries to sidestep it (it would), someone (lots of people) are going to say “wait a goddamned minute” and wonder loudly why the league seems to care only when a player “embarrasses” the league.

You’re right that in isolation it’s not the league’s business, but as you point out, the league’s past course of conduct has pretty much made this its business.  There is no good option here for Goodell, which is where I’m deriving most of my lulz here.

Agreed that Jamie will probably kill Cersei, although I’d also accept Cersei being torn apart by Nymeria.

You could see Embiid’s eyes getting big as he saw the ball go up (probably figuring Steph was returning it after that pass), getting ready to jump, then realizing Giannis was there.

“Hey, I left that server who did an awesome job a whole $1 on that $100 check. I didn’t stiff him.”

The problem is that some people equate “having an opinion on another’s actions” with “not allowing” that person to take those actions. They are not the same.

This. Brown is simply saying “if you have an open look from 3, go for it.” And they’re all going to be open looks at this point.

I think about the joint Embiid-Boban Twitter troll game and it gives me chills of anticipation.

I was unconsciously covering my stomach while reading the story for exactly that reason.  Our cat was only SIX pounds and extremely nice, and it still took two adults and a bath towel to give her medicine.


As a Sixers fan, I love watching this guy.  He’s played himself into a job somewhere.

Because He finds amusement in our pain.

I think they’re all competing for the Stephen A. Smith Memorial Awful Takes Award.

Uhh...not one of the sources they quoted claimed to “hate” Wentz, or even dislike him. To the contrary, they all seemed to want him to succeed.

OK.  Thanks.