Counterpoint: names are not permanent.
Counterpoint: names are not permanent.
Repeated bankruptcies are “good business practice?”
The CT was a bad idea then, and expanding it is a bad idea now. The name of the party in power when a bad idea was implemented doesn’t change its badness.
Never gonna happen. With pretty much any other team (other than Dallas), sure. But we’re talking about Dan Snyder and Washington.
At least Fultz is trying to do a good job, though. He’s not actively being a heel.
Gritty is all anyone needs.
That’s the Union’s mascot, Phang. He’s a snek not to be step on.
Because his lucrative upcoming lobbying career depends on him maintaining good relationships with his soon-to-be-former peers. He can moan and wail all he wants about Trump and the state of the GOP, but he’s not going to actually DO anything to piss them off.
Not to mention that 90% of their time is probably spent commuting on the freeway and sitting in traffic. My Wrangler is more than capable of that, let alone a CX5 or similar. No one needs a Z06 in order to not crash in 35mph traffic.
Important to you. But I suppose everyone should be beholden to your priorities in their personal purchases.
Cosign. Way to keep your cool, old French guy.
Suit? I’m pretty sure that IS Scott Hartnell.
Because Kavanaugh seems entirely unapologetic for his cruelty. That “courtesy” is something you earn; it’s not something to which you’re entitled.
I’m pretty sure that’s just a guy they pulled out of the parking lot before a game.
My favorite part is how they’re apparently both Truthers about the other one’s scandal. Tom is a Spygate truther and Bill is in on Deflategate.
Actually, I believe it’s “if you dont like it than to bad!”
Agree 100%. Call it out.
Seems to be having about the same effect, too.
I wish I could star this twice.