Killing Time At Work

Republicans Withdraw Healthcare Replacement Bill - Or how Donald Trump learned that running a state and trying to pass legislation is not the same as bullshitting your way through the business world by filing for bankruptcies, relying on daddy’s money and taking huge loans.

Of course they believe it. What would give anyone the notion that they don’t? There are people at Trump rallies that believe Obama was shit as president because he was nowhere to be seen on 9/11. Even though he was the president, and not Bush, you know.

Yep, just wanted to write that. The Berlin Wall was miniscule compared to this, watched 24/7, located in the middle of one of the most heavily populated areas in the world, and people STIL managed to escape.

Or not even that. There’s most probably dead silence, what with all the existing tunnels for drug trafficking. They’ll just add a new commodity to their businesses. Or expand the current one.

Sooooo... No to Meals on Wheels, no to Arts, no to healthcare, no to school lunches, but yes to a wall that doesn’t work for a problem that doesn’t exit and mostly runs through virtual deserts, wild nature and no man’s land being pretty.

Yes, but the main question is - do they think he’s still alive?

Wanna hear an original comeback to this question from a Trump supporter? This was *before*. Before Donald saw the grave injustice in the American society and the damage globalization was causing the US. Being the brilliant businessman that he is, he had to comply with the market rules - send production overseas so

Everything about this is just pure gold - the price, the discount, the name next to the dirt cheap price and “Made in China”... You can’t make this stuff up.

To give a serious answer, and I’m sorry if it comes off a bit harsh, it’s not my intention, but people worryingly underestimate the depth of various “hatreds” in the US, be it regarding race, gender, religion, identity, education, etc. A huge portion of Trump supporters didn’t just stumble into him because there was

And I don’t know if it’s just really good make up, similar features or both, but Melissa looks eerily like Sean Spicer.

I’ll just add this, for some extra horror.

I highly doubt it’s a burden of guilt. More likely a petulant displeasure at having her life interrupted by this trifling matter.

How many more times is he going to say he doesn’t know Putin?

Let’s not forget the most important thing.

Please, you are talking about people who trashed Michelle Obama for wearing sleeveless dresses, but think Melania’s nude photos are just fine.

How is none of this a real legal problem?

I know we live in a post-truth/alternative facts world, but don’t they have to allocate funds to build this fucking wall? Don’t they need to have a budget that is approved by Congress? As of now, where’s the money, the plans, the workers, the material? The anything expect Trump says so?

Rick Perry was the governor of Texas. In fact, he’s been involved with Texan politics in one way or another since 1985. Texas has two nuclear plants. How is it possible that he doesn’t know what DOE does? WFT!?

“Typically and traditionally American” basically means white, right?

I forgot about Paula Jones, but, yeah, that’s what I meant. The possibility exists in theory, but in reality I can’t see the president impeachment/trialed over anything short of strangling a baby in the middle of Times Square with dozens of tourists filming the whole thing from start to finish.