
Moritz's story is hard to believe — and I don't mean in the sense that I think she made it up. But it's astounding to think he could be SO brazen, even by a rapist's standards. To do that shows just how untouchable he felt. (Accurately, as it turns out.)

Wait. Are you telling me the police in Ferguson are lying and covering things up with more lying lies?! I find this very hard to believe.

More and more, I feel it's important to completely replace most of the Ferguson police department, not just their leaders. The KKK connections. The lying. The fact that this officer had a history of problems. The lack of oversight. I know it's really a problem across the country, but we need to start somewhere. Why

I guess I'll put this out there. I understand why these women did not say anything. I got into a situation with my boss's fiance when I was 23 and I accepted a ride home from him (he pulled over while I was waiting for the bus). I somehow managed to get out of it by sheer luck, but the man clearly had the intent of

my mom always taught me not to trust a man just because he looked like a grandpa. It's so fucked up how men will use that to their advantage. Not saying that is the case here, because obv most of these stories are from a long while ago.

He played an OB-GYN on the show.

People only see what they want to see in a person. Cosby made himself look like everybody's favorite dad and neighbor so that's what they saw. People don't bother to look past the surface. Its why a lot of people can get away with the stuff they do.

But this article says it's wrong to even ask the question. That to do it is to victimize her exactly as the rape victims are being shamed/blamed. That is the part of the article I take particular issue with.

Don't go to reddit. Just don't. It's not a good place, not a healthy place, not a sane place. Going back to reddit is like saying, "Well, when he's nice, he's really a great guy." Don't. Have the self-respect and awareness and boots not to.

If I hear one more (generally male) person say "Innocent until proven guilty! There's no evidence!" I am going to SCREAM. Maybe I've spent too much time on reddit trying to fight the good fight, but I cannot believe the lengths some people will go to deny that Cosby has sexually assaulted a mind-boggling number of

I'm sure she knew about the settlements he was paying out.

Which means Bill Cosby gets to rape all the women he can get alone? Come on. Marriage is not some sacred union that allows one party to do whatever the hell he or she wants while the other stands by. She doesn't have to respond to these allegations but I'll be damned if people don't examine why someone stands by when

Maybe Camille Cosby is standing by Bill for a reason entirely different than one considered out here. Maybe she believes him. Not because it's rational, but because it's easier to believe the word of a person you know and love than it is to believe the word of a stranger, or 15.

"But passing negative judgment on the actions of a celebrity's partner—who did nothing wrong..."

The fit (and whatever support garments she's wearing) on this are perfection. Hugs and floats away in all the right places. Age-appropriate and sexy as hell. Bravo.

You will note that she not only availed herself of his company with a quickness

That is a whole lot of white fabric. Everyone better have masterful control of their sweat glands, and needless to say there is no risking eating or drinking or being around anyone who insists on doing those things.

one of which happens to be the biggest pop star in the world.

It's not a issue for me. I do not and will not watch any films by Allen or Polanski, I don't read Orson Scott Card. Same for Michael Jackson. There's a whole world of creativity out there that doesn't need me to support creeps like this. I cast it aside without a second thought.

They have no right to sue. There's no guarantee for any length of time for syndication, so Bill Cosby isn't interfering with any contractual right they would have.