
I think he thinks I'm awesome too, but I also don't think he cares to be in a relationship (or maybe he's just not as into me as I am into him). I could ask him I guess but I'm actually moving out of state next month to go to school which is why I got a tinder boy in the first place. I didn't expect to like him! I'm

That is such a great idea but I feel like it would just foster my unrequited love, not quench it.

Ugh you guys, I don't even have something interesting to say right now but I let myself come down with a case of fee-fees for an absolutely no strings attached tinder boy. WHY. I am sad about my stupidity.

This exact same thing happened to me! I had beautiful skin as a teen, and as a 20-something (I'm 24 now) I started getting disgusting, painful, gross cystic acne. I tried every topical solution I could think of but what finally worked was switching to a low glycemic diet on the recommendation of my doctor because the

Thank you all so much! I did make sure it is a legit scholarship; it's not for a dollar amount, it's for full tuition, all books and supplies, living stipend, etc. as long as I can keep above a C average. I know law school/being a lawyer is getting a really bad rap lately so I was so worried I might be ruining my

Okay so I have been waiting all day for this. I have good news to share that I am very reluctant to broadcast in real life because bragging is bad and I don't want to make my friends who are in similar positions to me feel badly....but I was offered a more than full ride to law school!! I am so, so excited. I was on

This just happened to me. I met him like a month ago and he is moving to a new city in a new state soon for an unbelievable career opportunity. The worst!

Damn, you can time your periods by hours?!?!?!

Oh man, I know it's not saturday open thread day, but that is THE WORST. I know those feels and I am sending internet hugz. It will get better!! That happened to me and it took embarrassingly long (I'm not saying it was two years or anything....) but I got over it and you will too.

The best tip I ever got: cut your false lashes in half. Size it like normal, trim off the excess, then when it is the appropriate length for your eye (it should be about 3/4 of the length of your lid; you don't want it too close to the inner corner) cut it in half. Apply each piece separately and it is way, way easier

I'm the wimpiest person in the world and I could definitely make that work if my career depended on it, and I am definitely not even remotely qualified to be a firefighter. I hope this woman isn't going to be the one rescuing me if I need it!

Okay that is seriously torturous. Normally I would say cut your losses but in your situation I would probably wait until I turned into a cobweb covered skeleton. I hope it works out! It's so lame when things are complicated.

My boyfriend is super feminist, and he was initially super uncomfortable with saying really demeaning things to me even though it turned both of us on. We basically got over it with a conversation about how pretending to be a demeaning, sexist asshole is just like any other sort of roleplaying, and that what is

I love giving advice to other people even though I'm 100% not qualified to do so, so:

This is the exact advice I need!! Omg I HATE breaking it off :(

You guys, I am having boy drama. Console me, tell me about your boy drama and how you resolved it (or not)! I want to commiserate.

I'm 24 and today I had the horrifying experience of discovering my first gray armpit hairs. Obviously I shaved them off IMMEDIATELY but the damage was done. I am basically the crypt keeper.

omg there has totally been a Trent or two.

That monotone voice! That angst! Oh, my heart!

I'm sorry, but this list is incorrect. TRENT SHOULD BE #1. End of competition.