
I'm 5'0 and a size 4-6 and I have visible hip, rib and collar bones. And I see a personal trainer several times a week. In what universe are people this size "shamefully" fat???????

I'm 24. To stick with your analogy, I feel like a person who's just standing there like an idiot covered in gasoline.

Solidarity! It is so hard! I can feel my principles withering and that is sad. When I thought my dbag was just like the most aloof asshole in the world I was 100% not into having a relationship, but now that I know he cares about how I treat brain still says NOO RUN AWAY but my nerve endings are saying "nope,

Haha what a mood killer! This guy seems to prefer to communicate through photos of his abs so I only notice it in regular conversations.

I'm also in Phoenix and I've been meaning to go buy new Uggs :)

I can't tell if I like him as a person for real or if a cloud of lust is fogging my vision. He doesn't know when to use your vs. you're (or worse, he doesn't care). And he really is a douche. Pros: funny and so, so beautiful.

I am facing the exact same dilemma as you (although I'm younger and am less concerned about my long-term family prospects; I've been working/out of college for three years). And I'm considering law school, which might be the biggest waste of time and money ever. I am leaning toward school because I don't think that

Okay Jezzies I have a SNS update! A while ago, I asked for advice because I was mystified by a fuckbuddy who was super apathetic while in my presence but enthusiastic about hooking up (texting me, wanting to meet up, etc.) and then upon seeing me, would be a distant jerk. I finally asked him if he was mad at me, and

I had tiny boobs for so long that I thought that was just my life, and at TWENTY TWO YEARS OLD, that is when I finally popped out some DDs. With no accompanying weight gain! Ridiculous.

This is basically what I'm afraid of. I have a good job currently. Do you mind if I ask what type of school you went to? Why did you go there? What did you want to pursue that isn't working out, what did your friends plan on doing that they can't get into?

Okay Jezzies I need advice. I am on the brink of applying to law school. Specifically, I'm considering applying because I am interested in advocacy related to education, particularly related to the sciences. Am I being a moron? It's an issue I feel strongly about but I am super nervous about crushing myself in debt if

If he doesn't impact your life or job in any way, unfriend him after you send him a firm message. Such as: "George, I am not interested in ever dating you. I don't want to have any kind of relationship with you. Don't continue to ask me out."

I like r&b, I like strong baselines, I like melancholy stuff (like the xx but obviously that isn't like one night stand music), I like high production value, but other than that I'm flexible.

Agreed that they are the sexiest band ever ever ever to listen to but they lack, in my opinion, an adequate beat. However if I could make the intro into like a 30 minute song that would be THE BEST SEX SONG EVER.

Jezzies I'm continuing my hunt from yesterday; please tell me your favorite sexytimes song! There is one special one I'm looking for that I can't remember anything about basically but I also want new ones in case the one I desire can never be found :( Cheer me up, fill the hole in my bedroom playlist please!

I mean just in general, stupid Bright Eyes gives me all the feelz and I'm 24 now :(.

I forgot to add that anything Civil Wars is in this category for me. Damn it, I love-cry every time I hear them.

That definitely fits my criteria and is it awesome, but THE SONG is more electronic-dancey. Good effort!

Okay I am digging listening to your recommendations so much even though none of these is the one!

I go work out! Nothing makes me feel like more of a boss than running a super fast mile or something.