
Mine is Bright Eyes' "Lover I Don't Have to Love". Every time I hear it I'm a heartbroken 17 year old again who just got crushed by her emo non-boyfriend. ....And I'm pathetic.

Jezzies I need your help! A long time ago, there was a thread about the best songs to have sex to. There was one really awesome one (wordless, 10ish minutes long) that I NEED to find, but I can't remember what it's called or who sings it or anything about it except that I loved it. Please help me find it and tell me

Oh, girl. I know this is absolutely not what you want to hear whatsoever. I've been there! But run. RUN. Run, run, run and if he ever gets his act together then come back, but seriously. Read your story. Pretend your best friend sent it to you asking what you thought. Separated but not divorced = still married. You

I've been in a relationship for 7 years and lived together for 4; so far it's working fantastically. My advice is that if you can do HORRIBLE activities together, like putting together Ikea furniture or packing to move, etc. and it's still fun because you're with the other person, you'll do just fine.

It's horrible! I want to think about something other than touching his face for just like one minute!

Oh my.

I have no advice but this problem is my life. If you live in Phoenix we can hang out!

I'm not in any danger of that whatsoever, it's a pretty flexible relationship in terms of monogamy and this beautiful person is a bro, which is not my favorite personality. I just wanted him out of my brains :)

Yeah Yahoo! Answers didn't have the advice I was looking for :/

I don't know if my crush is gone yet but that advice is hilarious. Good job!

Okay Jezzies, what are your best tips for getting over stupid meaningless crushes? I have a boyfriend, super happy, etc. etc. but there's this cute guy at work. I don't want to make moves on him, I just want this stupid crush to be gone right now!

He definitely knows that I'm 100% emotionally unavailable, I'm sure he believes me when I say that all I want is sex from him. We were actually completely platonic roommates for a semester a couple years ago and then he made moves like six months ago to be not platonic anymore, which is fine because he is ridiculously

Yeah, although I didn't provide a huge amount of details to support the point, he is kind of an asshole just generally, although not to me specifically because I just won't suffer that.

I think I am having Disney Princess syndrome. I've never really been in a situation where the person I was sexing didn't constantly tell me I was a pretty snowflake, etc. so now that that is happening it seems weird and bad, but I guess you are right and it doesn't have to be.

I thought I had this big complicated problem but you've distilled it down pretty nicely :). I hope you are right; I imagine one day I won't want to be a single yuppy fwb haver anymore, and I can't still be dragging around this beautiful guy who I want to punch when that happens.

Haha I think packs have to come in even numbers; maybe two? Or 4? 5'11 is also totally acceptable. I'm actually 5'0, so....hogging a super tall guy might be greedy.

It's actually never even occurred to me that I might have hurt his feelings (thanks, patriarchy!). That would actually be a really good explanation for why he initiates but then is cool and standoffish. Hm.

I'm basically just being a whiner. He's aloof, and that is the only evidence I have. He definitely is the primary initiator and only says nice things to me, but expresses more apathy than I generally accept. And I guess that is technically not a problem? My bff says who cares what he thinks; if I could check my ego

That's basically the entire relationship; he says something asinine and I vow never again, know.

I would love to do that; he is 6'5 and has a six pack and that is going to be hard to replace :(