
I guess I basically get the impression that he thinks he is like doing me a favor? Or gracing me with his presence? I don't have any concrete evidence basically, and he definitely seems enthusiastic based on his actions, but what he says to me verbally is sort of aloof. I can't tell if it's like a social power thing

He is completely a jerk, for sure. Having sex with him is also super fun so I guess I'll just not concern myself with what he thinks; like Dumbledore says, you can't hold out for universal popularity (or getting exactly as much attention as you want, as the case may be).

I'm sure I'll never get out of the grays but as a long time lurker I finally have something I need advice about: I have a friend with benefits who I have absolutely no interest in dating or doing anything other than sex having with. The rub is that I'm not sure he's actually attracted to me, and if he's not then I

I have Paraguard and I LOVE IT. My periods are fine, but I have always had relatively gentle ones.

Bravo, seriously.