
I don't care what that Neo-Imperialist thinks either

yeah i don't care that much, that's why i never apologized.

nahhhh, Old Testament isn't Catholic enough

well I'm a Catholic-sympathizing atheist leftist and don't really care.

Catholics and Jews were in the same boat in this country for a while

as an atheist with a history degree, that's ridiculous. Any secular work on religion better be written by someone familiar with theological scholarship, otherwise it's useless. Understanding theology is in no way the same thing as believing in it.

none of them seem to know much about the history of religious practice, the diversity of theology, or anything about the middle east.

It's a good thing for Catholicism that it doesn't stress the Bible as much as Protestantism… you don't end up with batshit crazy literalists.

there aren't as many extreme right wing Catholics in America as you think

I'm a native NYer and I loved Gilbert Gottfried's 9-11 joke just weeks after

the weather in NYC and the South at the hottest parts of the summer is not noticeably different. It just lasts longer in the South. Actually it's probably worse in NYC, because people don't sit in AC'd cars, and most apt's and houses don't have central AC, if AC at all

'Retrograde' was perfect for that scene

"I come from a long line of death"

well i stand by mine. Hitler just wasn't very involved in running the Reich day to day

you clearly know very little about the daily workings of the Third Reich. If someone like Stalin is the benchmark for totalitarian dictator, than Hitler is not very close. Stalin was a very experienced and capable bureaucrat, who was involved in every committee and tried to control every aspect of the state. Hitler…

Hitler was more of a motivational speaker/enabler than a totalitarian dictator

the big bang theory, if the big bang theory wasn't the worst show on tv

the Catholic Church endorses evolution….

wow, great name. praise the ayatollah mr. fuckin rabbitt

except at the end it was making fun of people mad at the health care website. either way, it was a shitty episode