
I heard he's been assigned as a stableboy at Putin's Totally Hetero Shirtless Riding Ranch.

while the whole "Tranny" issue is valid Carmen is the worst wagon to hitch it to. She is such a flip flipper and (before deleting them) called non trans* women "ugly and jealous" and told straight people to "fuck off". Now she's hitting out at the gay community in a very aggressive way. Can we not focus on some other

I am as pro-LGBTQ as you can get. HOWEVER, I need transgender women to stop referring to non-transgender women as "Fish." Use of this term by individuals in the transgender community, e.g. Janet Mock, is not endearing or cute, it is in fact, offensive and just plain misogonistic. If you want respect you have to give

While working in a bookstore, I once caught a customer going through the romance section, turning any faced out books backward. When I stopped her, she began to berate me for allowing pornography and sex books to be facing out for any young person to see. I calmly explained that it was corporate policy and they