
GTA Online was always a scam.

oh it are, are it?

“This isn’t crack, your honor. They’re fun boulders, and they’re something that have been a part of life for years, whether they’re fish scales or pebbles or snowballs. It’s really a common part of life.”

Why can people not understand the difference between physical and digital? Is the concept so hard to grasp. When you buy a physical item, you own it. It’s yours to do with what you will. Digital items are “licensed”, you don’t own them, you cannot do what you want with them. They hold no post purchase value.

I don’t see whats the problem with just enabling matchmaking and if a pug group can’t do it, tough shit, try again.  “Players might get discouraged”.  You know whats more discouraging?  Not being able to experience end game content because you don’t have 7 other people to do it with.

I don’t be think Kai Mai is being a troll here, as I also couldn’t really remember much news about Amazon’s game studio.  For a lot of people this just didn’t stick out.

Again, if you say so.  

More importantly, more reasons for you to feel smug about it and tell everyone.

If you say so.  What have they made?

In even bigger news, Amazon has a games division.  

Take your damn star.

It’s a Laos-y meme.

“Make Me”

hey.. that was pretty damn good... now make a video of it without trump.... his face ruins the whole thing..

Typical Sony, they where ahead in the ps2 era so they fucked the ps3 era up alot.

wow so I have a gaming pc but tend to play consoles b/c it’s easier to game in the living room. I do have the steam link and steam controller. I also have an xbox one, ps4 and wiiU.

I actually really enjoyed my ps4 but the xbox one is looking more and more attractive after all these disappointments. Wtf is sony doing

I don’t get this at all, does Sony really think they are so far ahead that they can piss off a substantial subset of gamers and there won’t be a backlash?

There were good pills in the late 90's with Mitsubishi logos on them.

one of the worst games of the year, easily

Now playing

so am I the only person who saw preston garvey in this outfit and immediatley thought of this?