
I think if they manage to continue, Shuri is the obvious choice.

Jane is the girl you suddenly realised twenty years later was actually super cool (unless you had enough awareness to realise she was cool at the time) and you kick yourself for not getting to know her better.

“It Stinks!”

I want my gritty reboot of “The Critic” starring Jay Sherman!

You might as well be on Europa because you are alone, my guy.

Pretty sure the waffles will come into play next episode, when Angela eats them and becomes the new Doctor Manhattan, but like you, I was ready to see those golden fluffy boyz in this episode.

The true tragedy is that this show has not brought up that the Vietnamese do crawfish better than anyone in Louisiana ever has.

That’s the tragedy of Dr. Manhattan’s existence: he still starts to make waffles, even though he knows all the eggs will get smashed on the floor. What a world.

I cried, Dr M probably makes really awesome waffles too.

Then why are you still watching?

The real tragedy of this story: No waffles.

An absolutely stunning hour of television. I had my doubts going into the show in the beginning, but week to week, it has proven to be thematically rich, expertly written, produced and acted, and thrilling in ways that both honor and surpass the source material. (Yes, I said it; Angela is the kind of relatable

Maybe I’m misreading/misinterpreting him, but I read Jon not moving away from the particle cannon as part of his self-inflicted tragedy. He can’t conceive of changing the future, follows the rules of time to the letter, like a good scientific determinist. Maybe he really can’t change his future a la the Back to the

Honestly, even if the finale is awful, this series was worth it. At least a handful of the episodes are masterpieces and the rest have all been great. I’m confident they can stick the landing, but either way this is a massive win.

But what of Lube Man?

He laid out a plan to keep her safe. I think he made her a god.

Starred for *Name not changed because fuck her.

I’ve...had this friend? I’m so embarrassed now that we were ever “friends.”

Its amazing how men always know exactly how they would react and exactly what they would do if they were ever forcibly raped by a man (let alone a very famous man) when its something they have no reason to ever worry about.

Katie Hopkins calling anyone else a nobody? That is rich.