Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.
Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.
“I’m going to hit you so hard that when you wake up your clothes will be out of style!”
Mother Box? Somebody call Mike Pence.
Were either given an official position as an advisor to their dad?
“I was having fun,” Trump said of his four-hour visit to San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital, last Tuesday. That visit, most memorably, had him throwing paper towels to an audience gathered to see him inside a church. “They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels,” Trump said. He claimed that the people of…
That was adorable. Can we keep him?
Best Kid SciFi/Fantasy movie of the 80's!
True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.
When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.
This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the…
I think we’re really reading too much into this. She’s wearing a white dress. She just didn’t want to get Cheetos dust on her hands.
Donald Trump is president of the United States. Britain has left the European Union. Captain America is the new…
If bothers me as a Chicano because I’m around racist jerks who openly hate us and still want to live the Corona life. They don’t want us, just our traditions and whatever romanticized Baja dreams they think are exotic.
Oh if I know the person is openly racist and doing it only because “I love Tacos, my muchachos!” I would have an issue. There is a difference between the people who are just trying to enjoy Mexican food and drink while wearing an outfit and the people who play a caricature to portray racist drunk stereotypes and…
It is known as the Copy Cat Combo.
What I’m getting out of this is that Satan was the good guy in Genesis, pulling the eternal children into adulthood and giving them a life that had meaning and responsibility along with suffering and mortality.
There’s a pretty substantial difference in how most normal people feel when a perfect stranger dies as opposed to a celebrity of whom one is a fan, and has come to know through interviews, memoirs, autobiographical movies and one-woman shows, Twitter interactions, etc.
The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.