its her brand
The fact that he said Sophie Okenedo wasn’t fuckable and that Lupita is lying is more than enough to question his motives. This ass weasel has lost his job, reputation and wife due to his utter depravity but somehow wants the public at large to know he draws the line at brown women. Like, his predatory behavior was…
Idk. Lupita’s recollection of what happened has been the most detailed, yet it’s the one that has been picked by Harvey personally to respond to pretty much calling her a liar. That over who Sean Penn fucked any day.
Yeah, I noticed as well that he’s specifically come out from wherever the fuck he’s languishing just to call a black woman a liar.
Eh, she’s an IDF apologist who vocally supported the army during operation protective edge, where the Israelis killed 1500 Palestinian civilians to prop up a settler apartheid state. Her history as a badass ex-IDF type is a big part of her marketing here. Different strokes, I guess, but her past is fair criticism and…
what women? he’s definitely more to blame than THE WOMEN WHO WERE BEING HARASSED AND ASSAULTED
I’m still waiting on my apology from Ben Affleck for taking the role of Batman.
I hope that’s a waterbed because Lea Michele seems excessively thirsty.
Go fuck yourself on your way back to your MRA website, you victim-blaming asshole.
If the harassment isn't full on rape, women are constantly told to "relax" "chill" about things like what the writer experienced.
If you choose not to "go with it"...."laugh it off" you're called an angry bitch. Note my avatar, I'm one of those angry "bitches" who doesn't think grabbing my ass without permission to…
Yeah, that's the problem. If women would just empower themselves with self-defense, the rapists and sexual harassers would respect them and the problem would be solved. Let's start working on that, gals.
Victims don't make the choice, you dumb fuck. Now, I'm sure you're perfect and have the reflexes of a ninja who's just guzzled the gallon of espresso, but ordinary human beings don't have the fastest reflexes when they're in shock.
The point is that "fighting back" is often either impossible or far too dangerous, as in the case of an abusive spouse who might straight-up murder you for doing so. Not to mention the problematic aspects of putting the onus on the victim rather than the abuser, but that's a big enough topic for a whole 'nother thread…
Yeah, there's all the need for "internet talking shit" as long as there are people like you putting all the responsibility for sexual assault on the victims rather than the perpetrators. And gee, why would anyone go to the Police if they thought they were going to end up with someone like you asking what THEY did to…
Where you're from must be completely different than the rest of us, because there most certainly IS pressure to just laugh off sexual harassment and even some assault. The way a lot of perpetrators (and bystanders) react when women call that sort of thing out should illustrate it pretty clearly. At the worst, it…
For fear of not properly arming our daughter, we have taught both our kids that they are permitted to hug or high five ANYONE requesting a hug or kiss goodnight/goodbye/hello/etc. This specifically includes GRANDMOTHERS offended at the notion that their "favorite" granddaughter (out of a total of 4) won't hug them…
Oh, fuck off, snowflake.
Who has EVER taught you to just take it?
I feel like more of us need to realize that we ABSOLUTELY can get outraged at men (or women) who think it's okay to violate your body in any way. This is why we need to stop telling women/men to "smile" on command. This is why we need to stop telling little girls and boys that they MUST hug an adult stranger, family…