Isn’t his entire thing just a show/reaction put on to please fans? Like, he’s not a critic or reviewer is he? He’s basically a presenter, and that job is literally all about faking reactions.
Isn’t his entire thing just a show/reaction put on to please fans? Like, he’s not a critic or reviewer is he? He’s basically a presenter, and that job is literally all about faking reactions.
Doesn’t emote? He’s clearly trying to suppress the emotion.
This is the real game we should be mourning.
Please the moment this disappeared I lost faith in bundled Windows games.
“Ink Mixed With Blood”
I smell shitty picked-up-a-super-sp00k3-cursed-copy-at-an-old-mans-garage-sale-and-the-game-was-owned-by-a-kid-who-was-murdered-by-real-life-squids creepypastas being typed this very second. I’d name mine “The Kid’s Long Gone, He’s Just a Squid Now”
How dare a game encourage you to step out of your comfort zone!
No, this doesn’t destroy immersion. It just gives you a specific character to roleplay, whose identity you can then imagine and act out as you would in any other game of this type.
Even if I’m not, I’ll embrace my new character, name them, give them a backstory and motivations.
I’m personally loving the outrage over such a silly little thing. There are plenty of single player games and even multiplayer games where a character is simply given to you. Sometimes you can change their clothing or small features. But people seem to not have a problem playing as Lora Croft, Kratos or even an…
I think this is a really interesting way to go about character customization, but I can totally see why people might feel uncomfortable with it. I’ve known people who play exclusively male/female characters in games because it helps them deal with body dysmorphia issues and the like.
I like the idea of this game but the more I see of this game’s community the less I want to buy it.
I was having a great day today.
No, stop! You are being pulled into the Molyneux force! If you go in that deep there is little chance to escape!
He’ll just try to “reimagine” Fable. And try to make it a casual variant that is accessible to *everyone*. Then add microtransactions in, in such a way that because obviously everyone loves the game so everyone will be willing to pay for it.
OH DON’T DO THAT! That’s like the worst thing you could possibly do. These things are like terminators.
Art is an industry, video games as a medium is no different than as an industry. My larger point was that if you want to make a game you should, well make a game first and foremost and make artistic and political points secondly. Some games, such as this one, seem intent on making a point first and foremost while…
Yeah, why do you think the Dodos were killed? Simple human greed and incompetance? No no, it’s much more sinister than that.
They were trapped on that island for a reason. They were relentless killing machines! It was kill them or face global extinction! They covered it up for our own good.
...You think they delayed a game for seven years to sell a few extra consoles?
You’re one of those creepy fuckers who threw a fit when Fallout 3 came out and wouldn’t let you murder the child characters, aren’t you?