
I do as well, but please don’t say say anything about the 75% that people think Valve gets. I feel like slapping people whenever they mention it, since they completely ignore that Valve has to pay the artists that made all the items and there is massive overhead for actually throwing The International.

Yeah i know, can’t wait to see how did Valve spend our compendium monies XD

I think you get a free game if you mention xcom just 2 more times.

it’s like game of thrones, you get attached to characters. Then they die.

I’m digging the transparency. I say, why not get a solid sales boost after writing a solid article? Nothing wrong with self-promotion.

Wow, that’s very generous of you! :D I will put the game on my watchlist

It’s in beta on Android right now for all of our Steam users :-)

He has ‘em.

This game is probably the one that finally pushes me to buy a Wii U.

Unless there’s something missing from the article (quite possible), it sounds like he was talking about a single tournament on someone else’s dime. That’s hardly abandoning his degree. It’s a weekend.

One weekend at a tournament isn’t going to hurt his schooling.

Bethesda announces Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls VI, drops mic, and walk off stage.

BRB, reinstalling Windows XP.

He’s a right bastard isn’t he?!

Yet at the same time, the “developer” isn’t always right either.
Plenty often it happens that “the community” or atleast some member(s) of that community see a solution to a problem that the developers overlook.

I will forever curse you guys at Kotaku for introducing me to this game, may the wrath of a thou... brb, need to take a picture of a new kitty

Golden Girls, boss.

So they can make a Steam Community Supported, purely single player game into multiplayer? Even if all you can do is walk around? Where the hell is that same mod for skyrim??