Mexican Blade Runner

Hmm looks like something they should have identified if they, you know, tested it.

As Reese points out, the sidewall is not the most important part of the tire

So they’ll just attempt an OTA fix, like they always do?

Owns Cybertruck. Wears $2400 Garmin Marq Aviator smartwatch. Yeah, that checks out.

When buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.

There is a grain of truth to this claim”

What a wonderfully sane and level headed article! Thank you. That was refreshing.

I know it is tempting to accuse Megyn Kelly (that’s “Megyn” spelled with a “y” because of course it is) of having surgeries that alter her natural appearance. I would like to point out, however, that nothing was ever natural about Megyn-with-a-“y” as she emerged fully formed from a vat labeled “conservative blonde

Meghan Kelly has no room to talk about getting work done.

No. That was my first thought; more inane trash that’ll be in a landfill within two years or under a pile of reaking clothes in the corner of a teen’s room until he moves out.

We come to this place for...magic.
We come to AMC theaters to laugh, to use our popcorn buckets as a fleshlight.

Am I the only person who doesn’t give a fuck about the sexual nature of this and is just sad about the waste this will cause?

The easiest way for them not to track you through notifications is to disable notifications. I only have notifications for a few essential apps. I found that if you give permission to allow notifications on too many apps, your phone just buzzes non-stop with useless notifications. 

It’s pretty obvious that they were based on parasitic wasps (btw, those were the creatures that Darwin later claimed were responsible for his loss of faith — they make perfect sense from the viewpoint of evolution, but no benevolent creator would create such a horrific creature).

The novelisation addresses the food issue even as the film ignores it. The crew discovers that the Alien has broken into the food stores and has been gorging on them. That explains how it gets so much mass within few hours from being “born”, ready to attack Brett at full size.

I found this post thought-provoking. I always assumed that they were alien in the truest sense - the biology that makes sense to us just didn’t apply to them. Like IIRC the aliens being colors more or less in the Color Out of Space. But the idea that they were manufactured never occurred to me.

I suspected they were artificial when it was shown that they had acid for blood and were able to survive vacuum and stuff like that. Then when later movies showed their lifecycle I was sure. The ability to hybridize with alien hosts is a pretty big tell but even putting that aside what ecology could produce

Croupier is much more Owen’s alley than James Bond. He would have actually made a miserable 007, with even more sadness and exhaustion than Craig, without the lightness that Craig could also bring to the part. But sadness and exhaustion were precisely what was needed for Children of Men.

Interesting casting, because I love Raymond Chandler’s novels and for years Owen was my fantasy cast for Philip Marlowe.