Mexican Blade Runner

There was speculation the Saudis would buy it up in anticipation of him declaring bankruptcy so that they would have a powerful tool for propaganda, especially in the US.

There was speculation the Saudis would buy it up in anticipation of him declaring bankruptcy so that they would have a powerful tool for propaganda, especially in the US.

Hey Kev, disinterested means impartial. It does not mean uninterested.


They are, because we all knew that a new Miata was coming. The Prelude is a dead nameplate that’s being (somewhat unexpectedly) revived, hence the greater excitement around that. They’re both worthy of praise and the world would be a better place with both cars in it, but I understand why there’s greater hype around

The Prelude is almost guaranteed to be a viable production car at this point. The Mazda is very cool, but it’s more of a longshot given the styling, powertrain, and Mazda’s lack of a Honda-sized budget. I would bet it’s more of a styling concept for the new Miata. 

What gives with the wires? That seems purposely built to troll people into thinking those are bombs.

like parking further away from other cars and walking the extra 20-50 feet into the building you’re going into.

When you declare bankruptcy that doesn’t mean that the government pays off your debt for you.  These banks would just be out the money. 

Elon “myspaced” Twitter and is shocked it’s failing... A socially-inept person shouldn’t own a social network at all.

And I’ll add, since you mention insurance fraud which this almost certainly is, the ironic thing is no insurance company would accept a $35K quote for this type of damage and this guy is under no obligation to accept that quote either. Guy 100% needs to get a very vindictive lawyer to go after this scammer.

I do see the occasional IG video of Turo renters bragging about how they make big money by overcharging renters for repairs.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Somehow the owner knows that the ‘renter’ declined insurance ?

Does anyone else find it odd that the perpetrators come down the street and only target that car?”

Always get the insurance. Always. Sooner or later you’ll need it, and you’ll be really glad you had it. One incident will likely cover all the costs have and will ever spend on rental insurance and then some.

Musk bought Twitter because he’s addicted to it and he wants total control over it. There’s a lot of kerfuffle about some article about “How Musk can declare war on the ‘global elitists’” by buying Twitter, but I think it’s more that he’s addicted to the dopamine hits he gets from using Twitter to hurt people while

Entire generations of workers have internalized the idea that working yourself to the bone and ruining your health and family life are the only way to be productive and successful at your job. (That was the prevailing culture at the time, so I suppose for many people, it was difficult to avoid.) But with Elon, it’s

To be fair, Musk’s relationship with Twitter is a lot more like Gollum with the One Ring.

I listened to the call - the really good stuff is at 48:30.

Steve, I know you haven’t been with this publication for years and years, but there was this guy named Nick Denton, and he relentlessly went after a billionaire, and…

Showing any political preference is completely stupid if you’re trying to sell a consumer product. There was a time I would’ve bought a Tesla, but now it feels like a car version of the red MAGA hat.