Mexican Blade Runner

He’s pretty much totally hands off of SpaceX which is one reason why it seems to be working so well.

Gwynne Shotwell effectively runs SpaceX anyway. He’s mostly around as a figurehead and to throw out big ideas that generate PR. 

It might be better for each individual company to be getting less and less of his attention and just be allowed to run without his interference.

The Thing is a go to movie for me around this time of year.

The problem a lot of people seem to be unable to fully grasp is that an unfaithful adaptation isn’t necessarily a bad one. The Witcher Netflix series while not faithful to the source material is a great series. The same is true for the video game series.

John Carpenter’s The Thing is completely unfaithful to the source

Stans are the worst.

Just? Tesla is so Apple, Apple is taking notes.....

The Cybertruck is click-bait. Per the Drive article, this issue has hit a few Model X and Y owners.

Ahhh so tesla is just embracing being the Apple of the automotive world. 

This is effectively a non-issue as the cybertruck is not a real vehicle and will likely never be produced.

Oops. That was supposed to be “hasn’t.” It’s been fixed.

Musk has shown much restraint since taking over Twitter.

God, this. It’s like people can’t fathom the idea that automakers might be employed by humans.

1st gear:

2nd Gear:

Presumably some permutation of Cavill getting tired of the role, or too busy with other things (movies) he’d rather be doing, or potential behind-the-scenes drama (e.g. conflicts with the showrunner). Too bad, I think he’s great in the role.

Mon’s husband is giving me anxiety. If he suspects that Mon might be having an affair and goes into a jealous strop over it he might find out things that he really doesn’t need to know about and Mon might have to have him killed over that. I hope she insures him to the hilt before she does that though because she

I’m wondering if there’s some type of weird aristocracy thing going on with Mon Mothma, given that she mentioned it as Chandrilan custom and she’s clearly someone from an upper-class background (I also suspect she’s going to get in trouble from her husband thinking she might be having an affair with the banker, and

The most exciting part for me was seeing that Admiral Yularan wasn’t just in for a cameo last week and is going to be an ongoing presence. Maybe we’ll even go into what made him into such a hardline Imperial officer after he got along so well with Anakin and Obi Wan during the Clone War.

The scene between Saw and Luthen was also sobering from a real-world perspective, especially when the former started listing off the factions he considered “lost” and stoked his own claims of clarity.