Mexican Blade Runner

I’ve seen far worse. And these are actually functional mods- hard pipes for the intercooler tubes is a fairly basic functional mod, as are silicone hoses.

Nothing worse when you’re out enjoying a hike than hearing a bunch of two stroke bikes. Actually, there are two worse things, ATV’s and side by sides. The sheer volume of stankin’ exhaust they put out ruins the trail for minutes after their passing. 

The sad irony is, had they put that much money and effort into keeping it 100% stock? It would easily command the price they’re asking. But now? It’s just someone else’s show car where none of the blues are the same shade and the wheels are unfortunate.

Pretty sure every reader looked at this picture, shook their head and said to themselves, “Boy Racer”

A few minutes later, a couple of dudes on four-stroke dirtbikes went tearing by, braaaping exhausts echoing off the birch trees and absolutely shattering the calm.

Yeah touring has been the main money maker for bands for a very very long time.  It’s the reason they go out on tour for such long periods of time.

Yeah I was actually talking to a friend whose been in bands for decades about this a while back: We’re actually in a great time for smaller bands, they can get a tenth of a cent for a song play on Amazon rather than having to pay money to press CDs to hand out to people.

Oh yeah. The institutions were a nightmare — overcrowded, underfunded, understaffed, totally unable to treat their patients with dignity, so of course something had to be done. I don’t blame people for campaigning to get people released, especially since it was so easy to get people committed that there were a lot of

I mean, for example:

Part of the reason “institutions” don’t exist is because the ones that did, we’re conducting unregulated, barbaric experiments on vulnerable people like this person and we’re forced to shut down”

Story of my childhood.

Self-driving cars requires an infrastructure of cars and roads all on a communication network. The second you throw in the unpredictability of humans driving their own cars, everything goes out the window.

Which institution? If you can name an “institution” that people can go to be treated for her condition, I’ll shut the fuck up. But when people say shit like this, mother fuckers don’t realize this health care system does little to jack shit about accessible, mental health treatment. And she was a fucking nurse!

Autonomous cars were always a cash grab. Stroke the ego of a venture capital dipshit (plenty of them are dipshits.) Tell them that they will fund the George Jetson future and enjoy the windfall.

How about we stop with driverless cars and fix the real problem:

That filing though... A “NASCAR worthy performance”??? WTF

Yeah, I mean stars really perform now because the financial models screws them out of record sales and streams and the only way they make money is concerts and merch. I would be perfectly fine with artists just recording and releasing songs if it got them paid. They don’t need to parade around on stage and dance for

Spielbergian schmaltz this concentrated should be classified as a munition.

I guess no one told Frankel that the Royal Family employs speech coaches so they don’t sound like, I don't know, grating auctioneers with volume control problems. You know who else had speech coaches? Michelle Obama.

Sounds like the plastic woman is jealous of Meghan Markle. Bethenny Frankel represents the worst that America has to offer in terms of “entertainment”.

Honestly, why do these people hate Meghan Markle so much? I think racism is just one reason but there are others (monetary?).