Mexican Blade Runner

To hear Roger tell it ‘I am Pink Floyd, the other guys were little more than back up musicians.’ Most folks with a brain know that’s bullshit.

I don’t disagree with your premise, but I believe what you’re describing in #3 is LIFO (Last in, first out). As in, the last people who were hired to the company (23 year old engineers) are the first to be shown the door.

1st gear:

Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” has “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”... CLEARLY Pink Floyd’s, nah, prog rock’s BEST song of all past and future time, as well as any alternative timelines that may or may not exist.

“I hated the last gen CTR, it was too gaudy and over the top”

Asteroid City is a poetic meditation on the meaning of life.

I suspect (but could be wrong) that it’s because Tesla sales and service are essentially directly from the company.

Are there other examples of a manufacturer removing a “safety feature”, that the owner specifically requested be installed, at the request of someone other than the owner?

well, they did modify the car from what the owner requested which resulted in a higher speed at time of crash. I suspect that if that corner could be taken at 85 but not 112 the % assigned to Tesla would be much higher. Since it couldn’t be proven it mattered they gave it a token amount of blame. 

Dude IDK if you read the article but the kid died in the crash.

Man, if only we could get these kinds of lawsuits going against firearms manufacturers, we’d be on the road to real firearm reform. Stall out the legislative process and bitch and whine about the 2nd amendment all you want, if Colt and S&W were getting their asses rightfully sued for all of the damage they facilitate,

this entire article is 100% fact. rock on, Claire. your readers know the truth.

That so terrible an evil can have so banal a genesis actually seems kind of appropriate actually.

That’s stupid. Who’d believe wealthy drunken fratboys end up in power and callously make life miserable and deadly for the poor?

This movie is starting to sound like we’re going to get two hours of watching sociopaths saying and doing horrific shit and when the people around them laugh it off they’re giving them an unnervingly deadpan stare.

Sorry Lindsey, but your definition for Grand Jury is incorrect.  A grand jury does not determine guilt or innocence, but rather if there is probable cause.  What you have described is a Trial or Petit Jury.  This link gives a nice overview of the differences:

That’s not what a grand jury is......

Always be kind to your deli attendant

...found the guy talking loudly in to his cell phone.