Mexican Blade Runner

You read my mind. When it became clear that the first season was never going to make it back to the the opening scene, I adjusted my expectations accordingly. Fortunately, by that point I’d already adjusted my expectations to the fact that Young Nat’s bleach-blonde hair doesn’t have roots after months in the woods.

Agreed! Young Nat is a pure empathic joy who is so generous with herself to others who need it. Adult Nat is another animal entirely. The show is about those missing pieces.

Also I would agree that the younger actress playing Juliette Lewis’s character does not match her that closely, which to me works because it conveys that the character goes through a lot of shit to end up as damaged and twitchy as the present day version 

I was really into the first 2 episodes and then read that the creators of YJ intended it to last 4-5 seasons and I IMMEDIATELY lost interest LOL. I just don’t think they can sustain such an inspired premise for so long (especially hearing that one of the characters has a split personality???) and I don’t want to end

I agree. Dazed and Confused is a very weird reference. Did the creators even see the movie? It’s about 70s stoners and slackers.

The cult shit is interesting with the girls in the past, but the idea of it being a far-reaching community of adults is dumb as hell. I hope you’re right, but I see it jumping the shark quickly.

If there are still showrunners doing that, this many years after the Lost finale, they deserve to have their Teslas repossessed in front of the whole cast and crew.

Have the pig’s head on a stick as the narrator, and HBO will agree to a one-season pick-up.

I’d like to hear more about this wild correlation not implying causation” theory of yours.

Yellowjackets is great because of the casting, and the bonkers premise. The show worries me though, I have a fear it goes off the rails because of how ridiculous that premise really is. Fears of Westworld, which was absolutely brilliant the first couple seasons and then went to complete rubbish simply trying to exist

Maybe, just maybe, people who work in television like to theorize about the changing trends in audience viewing habits and they also like to use that theorizing to be humble about the success of their massive hit show.

I liked Ted Lasso okay, wouldn’t necessarily say I was a fan, but I it seems to me that if you thought Ted Lasso was in any way attempting to be an accurate representation of professional football, I think that at least some of the issue is with you.

Or -- and hear me out, because this is a little wild -- you can interpret for yourself what the director said without just reacting to the headline. She clearly meant “anti-Ted Lasso effect” as in “the opposite of the Ted Lasso effect” rather than “animosity toward Ted Lasso.”

Or -- and hear me out, because this is a little wild -- two well-crafted shows can succeed without either of them needing to be a reaction to the other or their audiences.

Or maybe Gossip Girl crossed with Lord of the Flies

I don’t get why the pitch would mention Dazed and Confused. I mean, I could see a “kids from Mean Girls became the Donner Party,” or “kids from High School Musical became the Donner Party”; hell, even “kids from Ladybugs became the Donner Party,” but Dazed and Confused? I’m not seeing it.

I would describe Yellowjackets more as Bend it like Beckham crossed with Alive (the cannibal plane crash movie)

The K-6 school I attended in a Chicago suburb was built a year or so after the Our Lady of the Angels fire. These guys would faint dead away at the number of ways to enter/exit that one story building.

He had nothing to do with it? Surely as the creator of the show and the actor who portrays two of the main characters, he has some say in what the show is like, even if he doesn’t have a hand in the writing now.

If we’re going to balk every time we have the opportunity to make any changes because we might lose political control, what do we need political control for? We obviously aren’t doing anything with it.