Mexican Blade Runner

I call bullshit. No way you can sit behind a tractor trailer, at any speed, or any distance, in neutral and continue at speed for an hour. 

What? None of that had ANYTHING to do with what they wrote, and then you insult them by calling them a coward? What the fuck?

Not stopping.

I don’t see anything major being done. Maybe some improved survalence, maybe a law gets past doing more to vigorously prossecute domestic terrorism.

Well, in Republican-held states, a white teacher might discuss it once.  And then be fired by the Faux News-fed school board and not get to discuss it in a classroom again as long as he or she resides in that state.

I am a resident of South Florida. Last night, while driving my girlfriend home, I encountered a railway crossing. The gates came down in front of me. While I was tired and wanted to get home, I waited patiently for the Brightline train to pass. I am currently still alive. It really wasn’t that difficult.

There’s only so much you can do sadly. Suicide by train is very much a thing and it’s perfectly plausible that 75% of the deaths are intentional. Yes, it is hard on drivers. They are warned about it during recruitment.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the governor had banned teaching streets smarts or safety in the state. Florida can’t go on having ‘elites’ who understand the concept of not getting in the way of a train.

I feel like a huge part of the problem are those 178 rail crossings over just 66.5 miles. That’s a rail crossing every 1,973 feet (601 meters) compared to one every 9,916 feet (3,022 meters) for CalTrain. That’s more than five times the number of railway crossings per unit distance, which is just another way of saying

I mean, if the only requirement is that no one can get hurt, then most rules wouldn’t ever apply in a lot of situations especially out in the wild/rural areas. It’s like saying I drove 120 mph on the highway, but no one got hurt, what could go wrong?

Red Bull costs you wiiiiiiings!

Uh oh....

per capita normalizes for different populations.

The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.

No, that came across quite well. It literally pulled me out of the film, as I was already considering how JJ and KK would react.

I didn’t really like his Star Wars film, mostly because I could see how disjointed it was from the previous and its inevitable conflict with the third while sitting in the theater. I thought the pacing was poor, the B-plot was asinine, the characterization non-existent, but I REALLY enjoyed Cranky Luke interacting

2018 called; it wants its edgy use of an ANH quote in a tiresome forever war over the objective suckitude of TLJ back.

“The Ninja Turtles’ best friend fucks in this movie.” is a pretty strong selling point. 

I loved both but Crash does have James Spader and Elias Koteas getting in on so it has the slight edge over Titane. 

You sure you know how to wear a tie? If you think the tie is constricting blood flow to your brain, it’s not. It’s your collar. Your collar is too small and doesn’t fit your neck. You need to get a shirt with a proper collar size. A properly fitting collar with a tie can still be quite comfortable.