Mexican Blade Runner

a 26 year-old land yacht for $22.5? these are indeed the end-times.

re: Planks “...And you can’t progressively load it; you just do it for longer and longer stretches of time.”

Who is this for, anyway? I don’t know anyone who has the confidence to delete things without a safety, can’t be bothered to empty the recycle bin but would take the initiative to delete it.

Maybe just don’t take screenshots of docs with sensitive material?

Why would anyone do this? The OS manages the size of the Recycle Bin either automatically or per your preferences. You don’t have to manage it at all - it doesn’t matter how much “clutter accumulates for no good reason”.  It’s a valuable safety net that there’s no good reason to remove.


Yeah this article is a terrible idea. A little redundancy is never a bad thing. Why not have it so can recover accidental deleted from Recycle Bin and failing that, recover from cloud storage. Its a solution that is guaranteed to generate greater problems later.

You’re just more likely to get pulled over in a WRX. At 2 AM the cops aren’t going to ignore no front plate, too dark tint, loud exhaust etc. Don’t give the cops low hanging fruit.

Not to mention that taxi or ride share services are usually non-existent. Walking home is likely too far and/or dangerous, so the options are to sleep it off in the truck or drive home.

There’s almost certainly a rural bias here. I grew up on the prairies, and drunk driving - and getting a DUI - was almost a rite of passage for young men. Without buying into over-generalizations about the rural - urban cultural and political divide - having lived in both, drunk driving is absolutely more socially

a connection between an overinflated sense of capability and strength (both in the car and the driver) and a predilection towards drinking and driving?

Ford Contours last for-fucking-ever. They seriously seem more durable than Crown Vics or most of the trucks on that list. My wife had one in high school/college, and it was a hand-me-down to two siblings, then gifted to a sibling’s friend, then their girlfriend.

What, you don’t think it’d be just as convenient to search through your non-local backups for a file that’s hopefully the most up-to-date version? And as we all know, the average user is always diligent about their backups.

Yeah, I don’t see a need to take the safety net away.  Not sure there’s a real benefit.  Easier to remember emptying the trash.

Not a great idea, actually, imo. I enabled the “Remove files immediately when deleted” setting years ago, but then one day when deleting a small folder (or when I thought I was deleting that folder), I discovered to my dismay that the parent folder was somehow actually selected instead, which contained many, many

I think he has business cards that say "weirdly sarcastic about everything."

I mean, it’s also the way pricing for most of the things we buy operates; demand spikes, you pay more (see also, the price of *everything* in 2022). Were they selling insulin, rather than tickets to see a shiny vampire man dress up as a big rubber bat, maybe it’d be worth giving a shit.

We also had a black Catwoman in Halle Berry in 2004, though maybe that’s just better forgotten.

Looks like the error has been corrected without acknowledgment.

There's nothing worse than a workaholic boss without a family and a love affair with hearing their own voice.