Mexican Blade Runner

THe official dictionary definition of Town is vague enough that any city could qualify. 

No. Given my experience with both gators and rednecks, I’m not buying that as an explanation.

Sure, blame the victim.

That’s one movie out of thousands. Take the Godfather there was no going back and.. oh wait yeah, um Ok, Bullit, Bullit didn’t have an origin story. He just had a fast car. 

She’s just good at the thing that she does!

Fair enough. I'm old enough to remember the 1970s. No origin stories in movies from that era. The movie just started, the characters get introduced, and the adventure starts.

Telling high school kids that high school is supposed to be the best years of your life is absolutely sinful. 

You’re probably right. I still think it’s lame though. 


You can get a four door Honda Civic for less than $25K. Is that not appropriate for a family?

I’m shocked that some rando on twitter posted a tweet that wasn’t accurate. 

Iggy Pop and Tom Waits suck too. Now I’m cooler than you. 

Why does Molly need an origin story? Why can’t she just be an agent like the other guy? Why are scripts so bloated? 

When I use Amazon to check out stuff in a real life store it’s for the reviews not the price. If it’s a couple bucks more I’d rather just pay the couple bucks then wait for delivery. I do want to know if the product is good though and Amazon’s reviews help with that. 

Amazon-branded buffalo chicken wrap sounds gross.

I can go buy a car that almost flies though.

I can’t remember the plots of a lot of movies I’ve seen, that doesn’t make them bad. As for X Men, I’ve seen several of them and they all seem pretty much the same to me. People arguing on line about one being better than the other just confuses me. They all seem the same. 

I’m confused. Will you replace just the tire or the whole tire+wheel assembly? If the former why do we need a new word (tweel)? If the latter, that seems expensive?

The people living just before WWI were also living in the best possible time to be alive on Earth (up to that time.) That didn't stop WWI from happening.

I was just thinking about a plate of shrimp.