Mexican Blade Runner

I drive a Honda Civic and an Xterra regularly (i.e., a low vehicle and a high vehicle.)  There are a few instances when I have trouble seeing around the car next to me when turning in both of them.  Really only a small percentage of the time is the Civic worse.  And when it does happen just waiting for the big vehicle

He intentionally tries to not look smart (it’s not hard for him.)

Psychiatrist responds: “No fucking shit Sherlock.  Got any other totally fucking obvious observations for me?”


No one who eats peppermint ice cream can be considered to be innocent.   

That sort of reasonable and thoughtful opinion isn’t needed here.  Give us only your outrage.  

So why would a robot who is a dog need a muzzle?  And couldn’t said robot dog get the muzzle off?  

It’s what is commonly referred to as “a joke.”

The examples you list are exactly the sorts of things I was referring to in my pithy little comment.

In the US we pay you to be rich and charge you to be poor.  

No! Your take is far too reasonable. Me must, we absolutely must, dissect every condolence tweet about McCain and find every conceivable criticism of it. To do otherwise is treason against whatever.  

You know what? Fuck James Bond.  All those movies suck.  That last Mission Impossible movie was better than the last 15 Bond movies put together.  LET IT DIE.  

New York in the ‘70s looked like a post-apocalyptic hellscape.  I thought I was watching a Sci Fi movie.  How the fuck did people live like that?  


Quitting heroin? Try these other opiates instead. 

The Hulk was my favorite comic book as a kid (one of the few I liked at all really.) So Marvel’s inability to get a good Hulk movie made tarnishes their whole legacy for me. Seeing him in Thor Ragnorick was cool though, I loved his scenes in that. I think the success of the first Avengers had a lot to do with the

I thought Becky had good hair.  

I can finally say that I’m part of the 2%!

Goddamn it, your comment made me remember them (but it won’t last.)

I was sitting outside at a restaurant in Italy last year and this couple with a dog came in and sat down on the patio next to me. The guy took the dog’s leash off and it just wandered off and took care of itself doing whatever dog stuff dogs do while the couple ate. That’s not allowed here in the state though.