Killboy Powerhead

I’m with you. When I moved to Oregon years ago I could not believe you could just mail your ballot in. There is ZERO reason why every state should not do this. Same with a “true and actual majority of votes wins the electoral votes” if we still feel like having an electoral college for no reason.

this needs way more stars

came here for the Hank III love, and did not leave disappointed.

I regret I only have but one star to give. RE-SPECT

anybody else notice how much Marchman sounds like Krieger from Archer?

yea if I’m being totally honest here...being a Washington sports fan for 30 odd years has destroyed me inside and sometimes I get shellshocked when good things happen. Just because I know the gut punch is riiiight around the corner. So, again, my apologies fellow sufferer.

I really dont understand how to use Kinja. I am trying to say it was a joke, which seems to be what I have become. oh well

Necessary Roughness is up there as far as “Sports Movies” go.

you spelled “there were too many black people” wrong

lets take that goal against Toronto to the replay booth in.....Toronto.

If Buffalo has any brains (they dont) they will pay Sutter alllll the money (they wont)

The Caps did not deserve to win this game (or the other two, really) but who in their right mind is making that high stick call with 15 seconds left after ignoring a clear interference penalty before that. Again, the Caps did not deserve to win this game, but it sure as hell should not have been decided by the refs.

Now if someone could please explain to me why NBA teams need 2 days off between home games....I’d appreciate it.

could not agree more!

no love for the glow in the dark skeleton outfit you get in Gerudo? I love that thing at night. Makes me feel like I’m in the Cobra Kai

Love the Duckman-esque caricatures! Keep up the great work.

“I don’t want anybody looking at my photos. I treasure my privacy and security on the internet.”

death to zip up hoodies!

death to zip up hoodies!

His mother teaches (used to teach?) Spanish at my old high school and was the absolute nicest woman. She would tell us as soon as he got signed to the majors (he was still at UVA at the time) she was gonna quit on the spot. Glad to see she got to share in her sons success. Que suerte Senora Lopez!

The headline really should be “Asshole punches other Asshole in group full of Assholes.”