
Although my favorite Hollywood Chris is Luda, I do feel for him on this. It has to suck to have the same name as a bunch of other dudes in your industry and therefore have whole internet articles and blogs and quirky listicles constantly saying they like you the least of all of them because of honestly a good bit of

He looks like Billy Racist Cyrus. 

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

The “smoking lifestyle” and your description basically just sold me on this thing... I ALREADY lay around outside and drink fine craft beers (or sometimes crappy cheap lagers), but this sounds great. I want your life, and will slowly move in that direction.

The “smoking lifestyle” and your description basically just sold me on this thing... I ALREADY lay around outside

I purchased an electric smoker last year and while I didn’t buy this particular one I can not recommend buying a smoker enough. It’s an amazing experience to live the smoking lifestyle. Most of my weekends in the spring, summer, & fall are spent outside, drinking a fine craft beer, while occasionally getting up to add

I purchased an electric smoker last year and while I didn’t buy this particular one I can not recommend buying a

I swear to God this administration is going to get us into a stupid war, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were to invade Flanders Field, “Because that’s where the Poppies grow and Drugs are BAD!”

I’ve been a dedicated Niners fan since I was eight years old. I’ve rooted for them since the waning days of the Montana era, and stayed with them through their decade of irrelevance.

This guy?

Coach Van Gundy had put together the perfect team. The only thing he was missing was a good center. He had scouted all the colleges, and even the high schools, but he couldn’t find a big man who could ensure a Finals win.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

If you see the XBLive notification, Gumbi was in his party, so I’m guessing that’s who he was playing against, and he peaced out right about the time Greg Jennings put the team on his back.

Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

I hear eating enough Chipotle has guaranteed weight loss benefits.