
Hoooo boy.

I have spent over 20 years working in the nonprofit sector. I have develop programs, serve a fundraising director, executive director and now am an executive coach and organizational development consultant for a national youth development organization. You have written a pretty good article, but there is one big

And that's why everyone hates calling customer service at Verizon. Because no one actually wants to help you. And then they brag about it.

Rudiments, rudiments, rudiments, then some more rudiments

Seriously when it comes to drumming that is all you will every really need, no matter what type of drum you are attempting to play. Every piece of drum music is just a string of variations of rudiments. As you start to learn them better you start recognizing

who cares whether or not humanity is artificially raising the global temperatures? (even though we fucking are.) reducing greenhouse gases reduces pollution. cleaner manufacturing and energy production reduces pollution. pollution is bad for the earth. we get ALL our food and water from the earth.