She said she isn’t a member nor directly related to the site and doesn’t feel strong about it, even Megalian4 itself says they aren’t directly relayed to the controversial site Megalian.
She said she isn’t a member nor directly related to the site and doesn’t feel strong about it, even Megalian4 itself says they aren’t directly relayed to the controversial site Megalian.
Looking at the t-shirt, I myself see only truth and logic. So of course ignorance fears it.
Who cares... Nexon is a shit company make shit games anyway.
This is absolutely terrible and horrendous, WTF are those companies thinking/doing firing her over a T-shirt she wore that basically says “Not every girl needs to make her life goal waiting for some handsome prince on a white horse” .. Short version being “Girls Do Not Need a Prince”.
So then what kind of feminism do you allow..? Oh wait do feminist need someones approval to act as a feminist? Hell no. What’s wrong with you?
Wonder if anyone had a glance of the game itself. go and check out. All the characters in the game are teenagers and the illustration of them contains half naked disgusting girls in their school uniforms. I am not amazed by these paedophillic Korean male blame a female with her own opinion.
Conservative parts of the society have a really stiff notion about women’s roles and even more so about purity. Even among less conservative people, there’s a strong cultural idea of what a good girl is, what she does, and how she approaches love and romance. There’s this idea of purity, chastity and innocence that is…
You... don’t sound very informed. Like, if your understanding of feminism is ‘traffic lights & emojis lol’ then... I dunno, gosh - I’d suggest reading a book or a small pamphlet but even that might be starting too fast.
Add one more reason why a majority of people hate and distrust Nexon.
The reason why there’s such backlash against feminism is... Well. People like you exist after all.
THAT is a controversial opinion?! holly hell, are you serious?! what kinda of things are happening in South Korea for that to be true...?!
Feminism is cool.
Well that’s fucking dumb.
...What? How are those words controversial?
Recently a young Korean woman was slaughtered like an animal by a guy because he felt women weren’t giving him the respect he was due as a man. He didn’t know her. She was just the woman he decided was going to pay for his ego. Korean men who could easily pass for the average geekbro commenter here on Kotaku protested…
Welp, that is Nexon off my Christmas card list, what a bunch of numpties.
I would wager that feminism in those countries is a little farther back so to speak. What we would call normal, is a bit more radical of an opinion in South Korea.
It doesn’t look extreme or radical in anyway. It just sounds a site that feminists frequent.
I guess I should be glad I don't work in an Orwellian nightmare of a job where having opinions gets you fired.
PC gaming company Nexon is replacing voice actress Jayeon Kim in MMORPG Closers after controversy over a t-shirt…