
I didn't see this coming. Was expecting more of a "they faked it and it made them insane" twist (although we did get that a la Kathy Bates/Butcher).

I really want to like this, but I really really don't.

What a great idea!

This has not been done well. Too fast, too hand-wavy, too much tell, not enough show.

Eleven episodes is a weird number.

But… but… but… it has an L!

Hi. I'm English.

Maybe another twist is coming, as in she isn't actually Petra's mum after all?

To be fair, she isn't always the one that kills him. But that doesn't destroy the pleasure of it happening over and over and over and …

I kept trying to take the nurse's glasses off. No idea why.

Yep, Cult of Rose: the Perfectest Companion Ever EVER really pi$$ed me off.

Reading this in the last days of 2015, it is quite clearly President Trump… :(

Reading this in the last days of 2015, it is quite clearly President Trump… :(

I certainly do!

I saw him at the Hammersmith Apollo in London (UK) - practically the back row in the circle - and it was STILL one of the best shows I've ever been to. A consummate performer.

I saw The Big Steal when it first came out, and had a massive crush on him as a result. Great to see how well he's doing now.

And me!

If you can find The Blue Rose I highly recommend it - from New Zealand. Some amazing female characters and a strong central mystery arc but also episodic problem solving. To quote IMDB "A contemporary, smart investigative drama in which the lowly back-room office staff join forces to fight for justice in a corrupt

Well, that was dull.

And they don't know the Ark is gone, and the adults are on Earth too.