
That's us Gen Xers. I meant the definition of Millennials.

according to wikipedia, "the term generally includes people born in the 1960s through the early '80s, usually no later than 1982. "

AWESOME POST. I'm reminded of the SAT tutoring work I did during college and over the past 7 years meeting teenagers who grew up well-off but still worked hard at school and held weekend jobs. I'm reminded of the teens who knew how to write applications for their phones before they finished 9th grade. The next

'What's so new about what you're saying?

Hi there. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm a 21 year old college student with one parent from the Baby Boomer age, and one from Generation X.

THANK you! That was my thought on the subject. "HELP! I've racked up a zillion dollars in loads so I could take six years to finally get my bachelors in communications!"

Technically you'd qualify as Gen Y.

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.

Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.

The soldiers who went to war in the Middle East from 1992-2008 absolutely were Gen Xers. Only in the last two years or so have any Millennials been old enough. (Going with the 1990+ birth range; definitions vary, but that's the one I've always used.)