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“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

He must have really loved her.

I mean if he hit her and choked her and set himself on fire in front of her.

We can only hope she has realised her mistake in breaking up with him.

The good news is that, had he sustained injuries, he would still have top notch health insurance to ease the financial burden as he recovered ...?

What she did was shitty, but I do hope it gets him to thinking about how your health can change in an instant and sometimes that instant has nothing to do with how you’ve

Can we crowd fund her legal fees?

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

Babies? New York? Seems like a good excuse as any to share this tacky ass picture that I’ve been obsessed with all day.


I heard he was attending due to a tip off that Hillary’s emails would also be there.

Whoever filmed that north west video should be ashamed of themselves.

With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, I just wanted to share the story of when I was eight and my mom threw a can of creamed corn at me in a grocery store. In her defense, she did yell “Here, catch!” as the corn was halfway through its trajectory; just in time for me to look up, ensuring it hit me square in the face.

It’s my 35th birthday tomorrow. That looks weird to even type. Halfway through the 30s already. Wtf. My older daughter will be 8 in a few weeks. Wtf. TIME. You crazy son of a gun.

I had a glorious pizza today. Goat sausage, fiddleheads, grana padano, apricots, spruce tips, spinach apple pesto. NOM. What you eating?

WOW, this was amazing. Your mom should write an oral history of NYC during this time!

Thanks Paris! What would our lives be without D list celebrity wisdom.

If the blind gossip is anything to go by, all three of the Jackson children are running very fast down very short piers, and this is not going to end well.

women are making this nation worth saving

They almost always do harm people, though. Kids who are brainwashed into believing this crap. Women who are forced to be subservient to men (hello orthadox Judaism). Public education that is warped by a community’s religious beliefs. Homosexuals who are ostracized by their families.

I would just like to say that most of the rules in most of the religions in the world are fucking moronic.

It’s a screengrab of the vid, I’m guessing it’s mostly post and lighting of the teaser to blame. Probably done on the cheap. If I had to guess, she somehow got matched to the values of the pinks in background. You’ll notice the dogs noses aren’t true black so someone was adjusting things for that flat daytime tv look

I think it’s the lighting/filters they use. She doesn’t look like that in her instagram photos. It’s a shame they did that to her. But regardless...

dunno but it’s not gonna be as good as harry’s. fight me.