HAHAHAHA! Omg! This is horrible!!!!
HAHAHAHA! Omg! This is horrible!!!!
The budget was also seen as a victory for Democrats because it lacked nearly every cut Trump wanted to make—including the ones to Planned Parenthood, the NEA and Public Radio/Television. It’s a pretty sweet win for a supposedly weak and out of touch Party.
Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.
Is this the part where he purposefully “puts” hickeys all over her chest area so she can no longer wear bikinis to the beach? As a “punishment” for going topless for like, five minutes? How romantic, you guys. Let’s all swoon together!
Ironically that appears to be Paris Jackson up top.
Because people who lead “good lives” never get cancer, strokes, ALS, etc. He’s pretty long in the tooth to be tempting fate this way. I would never wish debilitating sickness on anyone, but in his case I’ll make an exception.
What a brazen play to be appointed Secretary of Eugenics. Heard the position is still open.
I’m ignorant, but how does that work?
There actually is something in that article that surprised me. I’m genuinely startled that Johnny Depp, who billed himself as a Capital-A Actor long after he started mostly doing big, dumb, family movies, doesn’t bother to memorize his lines anymore. Wasn’t that one of the signs that Marlon Brando had given up on…
I cringed at that too.
Never fear, Republicans have your best interests at heart.
Because he was grooming her to be his wife the whole time and part of being Elvis’s wife was PURITY. I mean, they did do everything but sex, but for real, Elvis picked her young so he could bring her up the way he wanted to. It was fucking disgusting.
Yeah, I’m sure you’re going to “take care” of pre-existing conditions so that soon, my insurance company won’t cover mine anymore, you fucking nightmare.
My brother says “Why was there the Civil War?” is the new “how is babby formed.”
5 years from now...
“Who would have known that a civil war would have been so hard..?”
Quiverfull scares the ever loving shit out of me. It sounds like something a fucking lizard person would come up with. Out breed the non-believers and take over. What the actual hell.