
That's an official medical diagnosis? I have an awesome image of my cervix lolling around at the top of the Vag, dropping things and generally pissing off the Uterus and the Vag. They get together late and night and complain, "God! Cervix is just sooo incompetent. We would be better off without it." *Cervis looks

Thank you!!! And so much of weddings winds up being about the families - not about the couple - and the couple gets judged for it anyway. Like, I'm sorry that my parents generously paid for the wedding because they saw it as being about the whole family, not just about the bride and groom - but also (because of

OMG that was the BEST pep talk I've gotten yet about my wedding! You just bumped my friend's "Everyone's an asshole when it comes to weddings" speech down to second place. :)

I disagree - every wedding-related post I've seen on Gawker & Jezebel have always dissolved into a pissing match on who had the cheapest wedding. And I've seen lots of "how could you spend that much on 1 day?!?!?!? You're a horrible person" comments over the years, directed towards people who didn't go the cheap


You're moving the goalposts. You're saying, "it's okay that people can't afford to have kids, because maybe people should just not have kids!" Except that you're not addressing the costs or the issues associated with the costs.

Ha. Those aunties sound just like all the people who talked shit about how "basic" our wedding was. And they had a point, my wedding was the smallest and most simple Indian wedding I have ever been to, and I've been to over 15-20 weddings. We DIYed the favors, our center pieces were just a vase with water and a

Except for the people who hold the reigns to your financial well-being. They sorta count.

OMG yes please!! We haven't done our tasting yet but our venue gave us page after page of fancy appetizers. I'm talking mini fish tacos with a margarita shooter, a swirl of spaghetti and a mini meatball on a fancy tall fork, mini grilled cheese with a tomato soup shooter, tuna tartar, Mac and cheese balls. I AM SO

I live for the day one of our hockey arena proposals goes awry. Someone just called to set one up for our game next weekend....maybe that will be the one! *laughs maniacally*

Actually this would make me feel better too. I'm in the process of planning my wedding and personally I don't think the cost is that outrageous. But these freakin "I got married in a port-o-potty and it was BYO chair and I wore a flour sack" brides are making me feel like poo. Let's talk about all your big-ass

And a lot of those comments don't even take into account cultural differences. I'm Indian and Hindu so our weddings are 3-4 days long and usually around 400 people. I had a "bare bones" by Indian standards wedding, it was "only" 200 people and 4 events but it still cost around $50K. Weddings are more about the

This article is on point.

This is like my friend and her Husband. He'd gladly be a stay at home Dad. We always knew he wanted kids and she didn't. They've been married for 2 years and he's still bothering her. I never understood why they'd agree on marriage, when they couldn't agree on something huge like having children. I'm intrigued on

Ya'll gonna make me lose my mesh.

That sounds like the best bouquet toss EVER!

My husband and I ran a 10K in our wedding clothes two days after our wedding. And yes, I had a floor-length wedding dress.

My husband and I got engaged while hiking in RMNP. We then got married in Bootleg Canyon in Nevada, premiere downhill mountain biking. The ceremony was officiated, we got suited up and then we bombed that fucking hill like pros. (Not really, I slid on my ass pulling my bike behind me most of the way because we were

Honestly, super obnoxious. I've come SO CLOSE to blocking everyone living in Alberta who brags about how hot it is. Fuck off.

Yeah we didn't provide any favors, but we did make wands with ribbons and bells attached to them. The wands were made out of wooden bbq skewers. They were made for the end of the ceremony, so instead of people throwing rice they waved ribbon and jingled bells. They also made great cat toys!