
I like Courtney Love but I can see why he wouldn't go into that. If he says the wrong thing whatever truce they have is over and I don't think he wants the drama. But I'd rather listen to her talk than him. I think Foo Fighters is very boring corporate rock no matter who his friends are. At her worst a Courtney Love

An aside: I can't f'n stand Courtney Love, but goddamn, Hole has made some music I adore. I wish I was better at separating the music from Love's personality.

Allow me to be "that" person. Technically the sternum strap is there to bring the straps closer together so the weight of your pack is centralized and not pinning your shoulders back, if that makes sense. It only really matters when you're carrying a lot of weight and/or hiking for long periods of time.

OMG I just noticed the side eye happening on these scales of justice AND I LOVE IT.

Right! When I played with dolls, it wasn't "passive". There were plotlines. There were adventures. My favorite Barbie was actually my ugliest one. I named her Misery and she was a fully flushed out character.

You may be doing what I was trying to do with my father. For years I tried to please him I won scholarship after scholarship and got into a top 10 PhD program and when I came home after my prelims (very hard exams that determine your future in the PhD program which I had just passed) he interrupted me when I tried to

No where near the level of other stories, but this holiday ended with me in tears because my mother couldn't think of a single nice thing to say about the meal. I worked my ass off for two days cooking everything, and all she did was bitch and moan and refuse to eat. Granted, the turkey came out bone-dry (not my

oh nooooo! That happened to me three years ago. It took forever, I was livid and since the damn" fresh" turkey had a block of ice in the center and when I wrestled out the neck, all this turkey jizz water ice flew around me and my kitchen so I had to clean it and shower. Oh hellll no. I switched to WF because of