I have taken to telling folks that I am “covid-fine.” With a distinct unimpressed-with-myself inflection to my voice.
I have taken to telling folks that I am “covid-fine.” With a distinct unimpressed-with-myself inflection to my voice.
It’s not like she ghosted you..she replies on instagram, and sends photos..what more do you want from a non-relationship with blurry boundaries?
Looking forward to seeing answers to this. Fuck Up’s answer gave great insight into how hard the pandemic has been on people’s emotional and mental health.
I work in public health. I have offspring and a husband.
If by “clown” you mean “software the inexperienced employee has to follow while filling the order”, then yes, that’s pretty much exactly what one should expect. In my retail experience, both from watching online grocery shoppers and from working a couple of runs myself, the system doesn’t always have the most logical…
Ronnie’s entire comment history proves that he does, beyond the shadow of a doubt, absolutely suck.
Ronnie sucks. Ronnie’s family sucks. Ronnie’s “friends” (nobody actually likes Ronnie) suck. Don’t be like Ronnie.
Both masks and lockdowns have been proven to slow this down. Nice try though.
Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.
It keeps for weeks even after you cut it, but I know what you mean. I used half of one yesterday and made sure to put it on the menu in a different preparation for next week. I have a lot of experience with this sort of thing since there are just two of us.
That’s why I have always called Cool Ranch Doritos “Rancho Cool Ranch” chips.
Welcome to my dirty bag.
This dirtbag has more Whos? than The Grinch.
Don’t drink twelve a day and you should be okay.
I’m a child of the 60s/70s, and I had a friend whose mother was a real life Betty Draper. I was in awe of her. Slim, blonde, clad in Lilly Pulitzer. She was always drinking Tab and smoking. I loved when I got to ride along in her Caddy Eldorado. Meanwhile, my family was poor and soda was a rare luxury, which in…
My uncle was a devout drinker of Tab for about 40 of those 60 years. It was such that if he ever went out shopping and found a place that had it, he’d come back with the truck and buy every case on the floor. He died a few years ago and for about a year after that my aunt was finding the odd can, case or six-pack…
It’s how they stay thin. It kills your taste buds.
Tab was kept alive because it’s a favorite among wealthy women over 60, including the wives of the guys who own the Coke bottling plants.
I can’t believe how little attention is given to the fact that Red Bull is nasty, vile, syrupy swill.