Makes sense.
Makes sense.
During those extremely leading interviews with the children, I’ve often thought to myself, “choose the next few words out of your mouth with the utmost care, because they’ll define your living space for the next decade.” Make the smallest offhand comment about what song’s playing on your headphones and the next thing…
And it’s always something about how Uncle Hal lost his leg in a thresher when he was a boy, but still managed to operate the family coal mine. He was a generous man. A good man. A christian man. So we’ll make a window frame out of anthracite in the shape of a cross. God bless.
“Shit be like home decor on a weekend speedball binge.”
Dunno drinking, but he got caught with drugs at one time as I recall. Coke/meth, or whatever. Not surprising, seeing him in action was like an overgrown ADD kid on a rampage. :P
I do not doubt this for a second. I seem to recall that he had a drinking problem at some point. I once thought he was reasonably attractive but he looks like a skeevy uncle now.
I HATE the time crunches that are always on those shows! You shouldn’t be rushing to create a house! I hope on most shows it’s just manufactured for the audience but honestly, no, don’t ask that guy to hammer stuff for 21 hours straight and switch the layout at the last minute and expect it not to be a black mark on…
Heresay: I have some friends who were volunteers on an Extreme Makeover project. They said Mr. Pennington was more interested in spending time in his luxury RV with makeover groupies (???!!!) than actually doing anything.
Uncured Slab?! Hope you like your carpet doubling as a roller coaster and the house stinking like chemicals forever after it soaks up heat and vapors coming out of the concrete.
lol, so true. That’s not even the major sin, though. This was on during the time when we were majorly renovating our home and because we were fuckassbroke, we had to do it all ourselves. Which meant learning. A lot. Not just how to do things, but I had to learn why they had to be done that way in order not to be…
One compensation was seeing the hazmat-suited award-givers standing outside each nominee's house with a statue, then waving and walking off if the nominee didn't win. That's gotta hurt.
And I wish her words could be heard by every married person out there. That shit you think you get away with/your spouse doesn’t mind that much? You aren’t, they do and some day they may just leave.
Hey Harron, just wanted to let you know that I always look forward to your weekend shifts, and enjoy your writing a great deal. Keep up the good work!
I’ve been screaming about this for the last year. I loved RBG. She was the best justice on the court in a generation, but her stubbornness and pride have put us in this horrific situation. There was no shortage of Op-Eds in 2009-2014, plus god only knows how many people behind the scenes urging her to retire while…
This single fact is why there should permanently be an asterisk next to any hagiography that will be written about her from here on out. I believe she arrogantly believed that Trump would lose, and now we’re stuck with this. I understand that SCOTUS is supposed to be apolitical but we (and her) all know that is…
I’m glad that you said it, because I feel like it hasn’t gotten nearly enough play. On one hand, obviously, I wanted her to serve on the court forever, and I can understand her desire to hang on for as long as possible, but strategic thinking would have very much helped.
This is a very interesting point that I hadn’t thought of before. It is kind of insane that there’s a job at the highest level of our government where people work until they die.
I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down.